Ex meets current

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Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the character is remembering the excat words someone else said to them before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


_________________🧍‍♂️⚡👨‍👧 ___________________
When Hajime finally woke up he groaned feeling a headache coming along,he had the worst nightmare.

Nagito diagnosed with cancer,him leaving Hajime and Chiaki for Junko and finally getting kicked out of the house.

Sadly it wasn't a dream,the look Nagito gave him when he woke up and the fact that Junko had her arms wrapped around his waist proved that this was all real.

He was at his house,Kazuichi no where in sight and after the way Hajime treated him,he wouldn't be surprised if he avoided the brunette all together.

Hajime sat up from his or should I say Nagito and Junko's bed and walked to the living room,now he wished he didn't with what he saw.

The look Nagito gave him when he stared down at his body like he was the most disgusting creature ever to leave.
But that's not what hurt the most no it was the fact that Junko Eroshima had her arms wrapped around his waist giving him neck kisses.

This proved that this was all real and not some nightmare.

"So reserve I left the divorce papers on the bed,hopefully you'll pack your shit and leave soon" Nagito didn't even look at him when he said that because something in him couldn't believe what he just said

"What did you say to me earlier Nagito at the beach?" Hajime whispered in disbelief

"I said starting from today Hinata, Junko and I are engaged" Nagito stated looking Hajime in the eye " I don't remember you,if what you say is true and we were in love then why can't I remember you?"

"Nagito rethink this through I am your husban-.."

"Ex husband actually" Nagito corrected "as soon as you sign those divorce papers you won't be my spouse anymore"

"What about Chiaki?" Hajime chocked with tears in his eyes "Our daughter "

"I'm sorry but I can't father a child I don't know" Nagito rolled his eyes,standing beside his lover Junko "besides trash like me would make a horrible father"

"Excatly my cloud" Junko cooed "Scum like yoy can't possibly raise another human being"

"Don't you dare call him cloud, his my cloud not yours Junk-.."

"Not anymore Mr Koeamada or should I say Mr Hinata" Junko laughed

"I need to go get some medication for my dementia ok my sunshine" Nagito wrapped his arms around Junko giving her a peck on the cheek "I love you and the hope that sleeps inside you my precious hope"

Hajime felt dizzy,he was Nagito's Sunshine, not Junko,he was Nagito's hope not Junko, he was Mr Komaeda not Mr Hinata.

Nagito didn't even spare a second glance at the distressed brunette just walked past him and went out almost bumping into him like his some stranger.

The two sat in silence,not knowing what to say or think.

Truth be told anyone else in this situation would rip Junko apart.

But he didn't, actually truth be told this isn't the first time she has done this to the brunette.

She's taken the love of his life from him before,someone he thought he would spend the rest of his life with.

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