New chapter of our life

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Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the character is remembering the excat words someone else said to them before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


_________________🧍‍♂️⚡👨‍👧 ___________________
"Hajime" Nagito cried silently "I don't understand why I'm crying but all I know is,I need you in my life again"

Ok so maybe I'm getting way to ahead of myself. Let's start from the beginning shall we?

《Earlier that morning》

Hajime wasn't feeling so great,both emotionally and physically but he had to keep going.

He was staying at the Tanakas house,he wanted to book a hotel but Kazuichi insisted and once the mechanic makes his mind up these no stopping it.

The brunette woke up earlier than everyone else and started to make breakfast,nothing fancy just Natto and miso Shiru.

(Please don't get mad at me,I'm not from Japan so I have no idea if I spelt it right)

He sent everything neatly on the table,even did the dishes you know someone is seriously going through something when they use chores to distract themselves from it.

What he didn't know was that,his bestfriend was watching by the door with his arms folded,feeling pity for him.

The two spent the night talking about it and even had a group call with their closest friends too.

Kazuichi smiled remember how that call went.

《Last night's phone call》

>Hajime: Hey guys so these umm something I need to tell you <

>Makoto: Whats up Hajime you don't sound so great, need me to add Nagito to the call,maybe he could get you some orang-..?<

>Kazuichi: Don't you dare add that bestfriendfuckin-...wait bossfucking boy in here <

>Akane: I'm all for drama but I think we missed a couple of episodes <

>Ibuki: Episodes? Ibuki thinks we missed a whole season <


>Akane: You don't need to shout babe everyone can hear you,probably from their homes too <

>Mikan: So that's what that noise was? <

>Byakuya: You peasants dare disrupt my sleep <

>Makoto: Shh don't be mean Honey or else no cuddles <

>Byakuya: How.. how.. how.. you wouldn't dare!Fine I apologise <

>Gundham: You fiends,Hajime needs to tell you what has transpired between him and that barbaric,two faced,shell of a human being Junko and the mortal we call Nagito <

>Hajime: I'm not really good with explanations Kazuichi could you plea-..<

>Kazuichi: So this bitch ass Junko slept with Nagito <


>Makoto: Nagito? As in thee Nagito Komaeda? My bestfriend Nagito Komaeda <

>Kazuichi: The very same one <

>Ibuki: Ibuki can't believe it,she thought Nagito was gay <

>Kazuichi: Well apparently Junko is the exception <

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