Is this the end or only the beginning?

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Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the character is remembering the excat words someone else said to them before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


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Hajime's P.O.V

When did it all begin? Lets see well the first year I noticed Nagito has been acting alittle different is when it started.

At first I ignored it but then it started to get worse, at first it was the littlest of things he'd forgot.

《Flashback starts》

I was in the kitchen cleaning up with Nagito while 2 year old Chiaki hiaki was asleep and I noticed the trash cans still full with garbage.

"Hey my cloud you didn't take out the trash again this week" I giggled

Huh I didn't?" Nagito mumbled " but I remember doing it last night"

I wrapped my arms around the confused man so that he doesn't feel guilty about it,it worked and he eventually hugged me too.

"Its ok you get tired from work so I can do it" I smiled "Everyone forgets things ok"

《End of Flashback》

Yes everyone forgets things but my husband took it to the extreme, he'd miss important business meetings,his way home,hang outs with friends or me and Chiaki,even his own meals! Nagito Komaeda was basically wasn't himself and I needed to know why? It like his brain wasn't working.

The Next year he started to started to act strange and I mean stranger than usual.

《Flash back year 2 of observation》

It was 2 am and my 3 year old had finally gone to bed. She wasn't the only with sleep problems her dad was literally the same.

I walked to our bedroom feeling a wave of heat hit me and saw something strange, Nagito with 5 or even 8 jerseys in a thick blanket,trembling.

The thermostat was moved all the way to 90°c

"Hey my cloud" I spoke softly touching his shaking body "why are you cold,when it's 90° in here?"

He didn't response,actually it looked like he couldn't respond and tried to move his lips but nothing was coming out and then he started to cry.

I hugged him to try calm him down,I need to call Mikan tomorrow because this is getting worse.

"Hey its ok I got you baby" I made small circles on his back "your sunshine got you"

"Sunshine?..." Nagito mumbled hugging me tighter "Hajime is that you?"

I nodded smiling at him,he softly touched my face as though I was going to disappear but now that I think about it,I wish I did so that I didn't hear the next words that came out of his mouth.

"I was so sacred Hinata-kun" Nagito wailed "A stranger was just here and tried to comfort me even hugged me just a few seconds ago,I'm so glad my boyfriend was here to help me"

He called me Hinata and even worse his boyfriend. My heart heart,I wasn't just his boyfriend I'm his husband! I couldn't help but cry.

"Nagito I'm your husband not boyfriend!" I cried "we've been married for 2 years now and have a 2 year old daughter called Chiaki"

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