Crazy in love

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Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the character is remembering the excat words someone else said to them before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


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Hajime's P.O.V

'Please..don't.. hurt.. her..Please.. Nagito.. please.. wait..stop'

"Ahhh!" I screamed in agony frantically searching for any sign of Sayaka instead I met silence and a smiling Nagito by my side.

"Oh good your awake" Nagito smiled,he put the novel he was reading on the nightstand

"What-huh?"I blinked

After a few minutes I finally woke up fully. I was laying in the Nagito and I's bedroom,I tried to stand up when I felt strong arms wrapped around me.

Nagito looked at me with a worried expression,my eyes soften as I leaned into his touch.

I don't remember how I got here but I'm sure Nagito could tell me,I remember Sayaka screaming and then everything went black.

I guess Nagito could tell I was confused so he gently kissed my forehead and my tummy. He got my orange note book and showed me my last entry.

I stared at it with tears in my eyes,I could barely breathe but I couldn't remember anything!

Nagito stroked my back,whispering sweet things into my ear.I could feel myself calm down as I lay my hands on my tummy soon Nagito did the same.

"I'm sure your confused my sunshine let me help ok?" Nagito asked softly

I nodded still wrapped in his arms,my head felt heavy so I used his chest as a pillow,his heartbeat was so calm and relaxing I almost fell asleep.

"You see" Nagito began playing with my ahoge "we went for your appointment with Dr Mioda yesterday,you were so excited everything was going perfect ,nurse Usami gave you some vitamins for the baby but my stupid luck it well.."

I could feel Nagito tense up but regardless I needed to know,so I hugged him tight and gave him a smile soon he smiled back and continued.

"While we were driving home,we stopped to get more orange juice and bagels,you took the medication and fell asleep,I called Dr Mioda and she said that it's normal for pregnant people to be tired easily" he trailed off,he probably thought I wasn't listening,so I snuggled closer to his chest,he kissed my forehead and proceeded.

"So I left you sleeping inside with the doors locked ofcourse but stupid me, dumb me worthless me id-"

"Nagito I love you, your special,intelligent, beautiful, ho-"

"How are you not tired of telling me this?" Nagito asked,smiling sadly at me "you can do better than m-"

"I love you, I'll gladly tell you how valuable you are every single day till my last breath" I confessed giving him a kiss on the cheek "I really do love you Nagito Komaeda now please go on"

Nagito sighed but continued anyway.

"I forgot to leave any windows open for you
so while I was in the store,you must have woken up and had a panic attack, you thought I left you and"

I could feel tears hitting my head as Nagito continued the story,I hugged him tight and kissed his lips,soon he responded and calmed down.

"Shh its ok baby" I whispered "you don't have to say anymore if your uncomfortable"

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