Hello world,Chiaki is here

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Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the character is remembering the excat words someone else said to them before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


_________________🧍‍♂️🤰 _____________________

Hajime P.V.O

The floor now drenched in water,made it difficult to move around.Byakuya tried to open a window but the handle wouldn't move.

With a heavy sigh I lay still on the floor,using the water to wash away my worries. While Usami tried her phone again.

"Great just perfect!" Byakuya yelled in frustration pulling his hair "the building is flooding,we're trapped on the highest floor with no phone reception,I can't see any food anywhere,its blazing hot nothing can make this worse"

Before I could respond I felt a warm liquid running down my leg and instant pain in my stomach.

"Byakuya" I winced holding my stomach

What!" Byakuya snapped

"I think my water just broke" I muttered now on the floor on my knees in pain

"Well tell it to unbroke" Byakuya panicked frantically searching for anything to help

"Thats not how it works!" I yelled

"How would you know ever had a baby before?!" Byakuya clapped back

"Don't worry Hajime" Usami smiled confidently "with me here you'll be fi-.."

"Wait Usami watch out for th-"


"Water" Byakuya mumbled "too late"

"Byakuya how screwed are we?" I asked taking deep breathes

"As a Togami I'd say very screwed" Byakuya responded calmly "also you have my permission to panic"

"Oh ok thanks" I smiled *Ahem*"AHHHHH"

You must be wondering how I, a pregnant man got myself here, trapped in a flooding building,on the 50th floor,with no form of communication at all and a panicked Byakuya. Lets not forget a now as unconscious nurse Usami.

Oh and did I mention I'm going into labour right now?! Well if I were to tell you what happened you probably wouldn't even believe me heck even I don't believe me,so let's start from the beginning.
The hospital room was filled with a baby's cry as nurse Usami cleaned and wrapped the infant in an orange blanket.

The couple smiled brightly looking at their baby with love and adoration.

"Congratulations" Nurse Usami smiled handing the baby to his mother "you've given birth to a healthy baby boy what will you name him?"

The man looked down at his wife Hayami,then the smiling baby. She spoke up first.

"This is beginning of our life as a family Kanji" Hayami whispered with tears in her eyes

"Beginning huh.." Her husband whispered "I've got it Hajime we'll call him Hajime"

"Hajime Hinata?" Hayami giggled stroking her chin playfully"Thats perfect I love you"

*Violins playing in the background*

"I love you to-"

Ayoo cut the music! Cut the lights! Cut the whole damn scene down now! This isn't their family story its mine!

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