Hajime's choice

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✍Also I wanted to thank my bestie Kokichi_STEP_OnME my awesome friend Bethwrites22 not forgetting the amazing pilgrimxge you guys give me the motivation to actually write also everyone for reading thank you so much anyway comment on whatever you like or don't like and have a nice day✍

Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the character is remembering the excat words someone else said to them before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


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Hajime stood inbetween the two with his arms open shutting his eyes waiting for the pain, suddenly.....

Kanji started to laugh a few minutes Nagito joined in laughing uncontrolabbly,hugging each other for support.

Hajime blinked looking at the two men in confusion?a few minutes ago they were about to blow each others faces off and now there hanging on each other like theyve known each other for years;

Kanji recovered first still with a smile on his face and tears of joy in his eyes,he patted hus son on the back.

"Oh man you should have seen your face Hajime you were like ThEre iS no I Am lOsiNg yOu boTh at tHe SaMe tImE" Kanji teased laughing even harder with Nagito

"I know I know I know or when he said" Nagito cleared his throat "EvEn iF IT mEaNs scaCrficInG mYseLf"

"I dont understand so all this wasnt real?" Mahiru whispered with a warm liguid running down her leg

"Nope it was all a little prank" Nagito and Kanj both said with a wink


Mahiru fainted.

"Whats wrong with her never heard of a harmless prank?" Kanji asked as he stretched his body

"You...I thought...you... both were going to die Hajime mumbled

"But we didn't" Nagito chuckled

"You... both could have died.." Hajime whispered

"Oh a small price to pay for a good laugh right?" Kanji shrugged

"I couldn't have put it better myself" Nagito added

"But.. but...but I-.."


Chiaki's tiny baby feet hit the ground as she shuffled to her momma,rubbing her eyes still feeling sleepy,Kanji smiled giving his granddaughter a kiss on the forehead.

"Who is this princess?" Kanji asked staring at Chiaki in awe

"Kanji meet your grandchild Chiaki Nanami Koemada" Nagito carried his baby in his arms giving her to Kanji "Chiaki this is your grandpa Kan-.."

"Now hold on a second" Hajime interrupted "I havent seen this man since I was 9 years old, he shows up unexpectdly and all of a sudden his all buddy buddy with my husband"

"The past is in the past Hedgehog" Kanji responded as he bounced Chiaki in the air

"You killed my mother" Hajime hissed

"Minor details" Kanji waved his hand in the air

"Nagito how did you even find him?" Hajime questioned

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