You can count on me

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Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the character is remembering the excat words someone else said to them before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


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Hagime P.O.V

Its been a full year since Nagito and I have gotten married. Everything has been perfect so far no major changes.

I still bake bagels for Komaeda not too hard not too soft with salted butter at the centre just the way he likes it.

Nagito still brings a cartoon of orange juice everytime he comes home. I always tie his hair back into a ponytail as we talk about how stressful work was.

Nagito still attempts to cook breakfast for me every morning but each attempt almost burns down the house,yet he never gives up and I love him for it.

Nagito is a clean freak so everything must be put inorder lucky for me,he is happy to take up the role and leaves the house looking spotless.

Every Sunday we take an afternoon stroll hand in hand to the place where we first met,the beach, watching the sunset or picking pretty sea shells together, but no matter how hard I try I always fall asleep on his shoulder. Its not my fault his just so comfy but Nagito doesn't mind he simply gives me a forehead kiss and carries me all the way home.

I can be very demanding especially when he goes for company trips with Makoto,I get so lonely,this house is way too big for two people (why did the Komaeda's family house have to be 5 bedroomed,Nagito literally has no siblings?) when I do feel alone I always cuddle with Nagito's favourite green hoodie it helps me feel like his right there next to me and I start to smile again.

I used to distract myself by focusing on work when Nagito leaves but ever since Teruteru got charged with another sex offence the dinner had to be closed( this happens more often than you think trust me) I got lonely again, I must confess when I'm bored I place cute little sticky notes around the house that Nagito will read when he gets back.

Don't forget your not trash your amazing and I love you🧡

Here's a friendly reminder if I'm not home your bagels are in the snack shelf don't touch my oranges or I'll kill you and give your body for Teruteru anyway love you 🤗

Its ok because as soon as Nagito comes back,he never hesitates to find me and when he does he picks me up from the ground, spines me around till we both get dizzy and we laugh so hard that tears come out eventually I forget why I was sad in the first place.

Don't get me wrong it's not always so sunshine and rainbows ,there times we fight and when we fight we say things we don't mean,take the last fight we had 3 months ago.

《Flashback 》

I'm late for work but as usual Nagito is trying to convince me to quit my job just because he has more than enough money for the both of us. I know he means well but I can't quit  my dad always taught me.

Son always remember to work for what you want,In life you only have yourself too look out for and orange juice

Ok so probably the last part was a bit dramatic but you get what I mean.These no way I'm going to depend on my husband for survival.

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