The Chiaki competition

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✍Hey guys I'm in such a good mood thanks to all of you for reading this story,especially my bestfriend Naegi_Left_Shoe_ anddddd pilgrimxge yall are the best ✍

Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the character is remembering the excat words someone else said to them before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


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Its been a few months since we last saw our favourite couple,Hajime and Nagito Komaeda.

Now that Chiaki could walk,she didn't stop! She wanted to go everywhere and anywhere.

In one morning Hajime would have a full work out just trying to catch his toddler.

Nagito would often come home to an exhausted husband and a proud,smiling daughter.

Drastic times called for drastic measures so the pair had no choice but to baby proof everything sadly that included the toilet.

Nagito wasn't appreciative of that one in particular especially late at night,when his too tired to switch on the light and just really wants to pee but can't because somehow a baby proof toilet is rocket science and he had no choice but to pee in the basement.

Nonetheless,the Komaedas couldn't be happier. It was snowing today,so Nagito didn't go for work. (Not like anyone was going to force him,Mahiru learnt the hard way)

So here they are,watching a kids show as Chiaki clapped her hands standing proudly ontop of Nagito's stomach watching a cartoon dog jump up and down in the rain.

Sadly the peace could only be kept for so long and the couple found themselves having an argument.

Something so small to others spiralled out of control for them. What was this debate you might ask? Chiaki's first words.

"No no no no Hajime your wrong" The albino declared as he put Chiaki down in her play pen "if anything Chiaki first words will be Hope after all she is full of it"

"Chiaki would never say Hope" Hajime crossed his arms glaring at his husband "if anything she'll say papa or

"Oranges?" Nagito sat up looking skeptical at the blushing brunette "You think Chiaki saying hope is weird but Oranges isn't?:

"When you say it like that you make it sound really dumb"

"Because it is" Nagito chuckled

"No it isn't!" Hajime defended

"Yes it is babe" Nagito sang "even you know it"

"You shut your mouth before I..I..I..shut it for you" Hajime stuttered

"Oh honey I'll gladly use it for other activities then if you like~" Nagito purred kissing Hajime's neck

"Suck my dick" Hajime blushed hiding his face in Nagito's shoulder "Wait I mea-.."

"I mean if your offering the-"

"Not infront of the baby pervert!"

All the while Chiaki sat there in confusion, she was trying to figure out why she walks on two legs and a dog on four.

It is so confusing, so does a dog have 4 legs or 4 hands? The baby just really wants to know!

So the two decided to have a little competition,they knew Nanami was too small to say any word they wanted unless she heard it often.

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