Valentines day special:Puppy love

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Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the a character is remembering the excat words someone else said before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


It was a normal day in Hope's peak but not for Hajime,today was valentine's day and his preschool sensei Chiaki Nanami gave them homework.

Everyone must bring atleast one item for a special someone today, even if you don't like them just to show appreciation that way no one feels lonely today.

Hajime came home giggling with excitement talking about a perfect present to get. It turns out that excitment is contagious because his papa Makoto Togami couldn't help but go out and buy two gifts one for his husband Byakuya Togami the other for Hajime's valentine.

Truth be told the 4 year old had no idea what it meant but last night his daddy Byakuya tried to explain it.


Hajime stood on his tip toes as he tried to reach for his favourite orange flavoured toothpaste,his chubby fingers inches away from it.

"Aww..Almost..fere..." Hajime whispered as his chubby fingers brushed the toothpaste

Suddenly Hajime's feet left the ground and he quickly grabbed the toothpaste,grinning proudly at himself.

"Wait am I fwying?" Hajime asked himself shutting his eyes in excitement "Woah Papa,daddy wook I'm fwyin...oh wait its just you daddy"

Byakuya chuckled at his son's pout,he grabbed a comb and attempted to lay down Hajime's wild locks just for them to bounce back up again.

Hajime giggled with toothpaste in his mouth until some fell on his orange satin pajamas.

"My citrus are you brushing your teeth or your clothes?" Byakuya asked as he started to wipe off the stain with his handkerchief

"Umm" Hajime thought scratching his chin"both!"

"C'mere" Byakuya chuckled wrapping his arms at his child

Hajime giggled as his daddy carried him to his race car shaped bed. Grabbing a thick mystery novel,Byakuya tucked his son in and cleared his throat. Hajime's black and white stuffed bear Monokuma tucked safely into his arms.

"Wait daddy two fings" Hajime sat up straight holding four fingers up "A. Don't fowget to get the pwesent for Nagito tomowwow and zero. I have a question "

"You know daddy doesn't like being interrupted but I'll allow it today so what's your inquiry?" Byakuya asked with a smile Hajime still didn't know how to count but they were working on it

"Well today at school Chiaki sensei said tomowwow we have to give a special gift to someone because its vawentine day" Hajime explained with a fist in the air " and since Nagito is my bestest best evew fwiend I will get him a gift"

"Oh shoot its tomorrow" Byakuya adjusted his glasses "well a Togami never makes mistakes tomorrow you and I will make a surprise breakfast for your papa"

"Oh I can't wait to tell him papa woves to cook" Hajime yelled jumping on his bed with excitement "he makes the bestest best orange juice!"

"No" Byakuya scolded holding his son firmly "you can't tell him its a surprise"

"Oh that's ok Monokuma and I will tell him to act suwpwised easy" Hajime whispered placing his finger on his lips

"No citrus if you tell someone a surprise it won't be a surprise" Byakuya whispered softly "besides valentines day is a special day"

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