Back to stay or stay away?

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Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the character is remembering the excat words someone else said to them before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


_________________🧍‍♂️⚡👨‍👧 ___________________
Hajime was a wreck, he barely ate, bathed heck he couldnt even look at himself without breaking down.

Kazuichi has seen this all before, when Izuru and Hajime broke up the brunette could barely get out of bed for school,but this time it was worse.

They were currently in the guest bedroom, drinking orange juice and watching RHHP on repeat.

"Hajime" Kazuichi switched off the tv and looked at his friend "you need to let go"

"Let go?" Hajime repeated with a sinister smile "let go of what? Everything is ok me and Nagito are just having a small rough patch"

"Hajime this isn't a rough patch!" Kazuichi yelled,Hajime winced at how loud he was being "I'm sorry but you need to let go of Nagito Komaeda"

"But the pain is too much and it hurts and I.. can't" Hajime hugged his knees tears already flowing "he said I was his hope"

"Listen a bad experience doesn't mean your going to have a bad lifetime" Kazuichi hugged his friend tight

"But the pain-.." Hajime sobbed

"Will leave once its done teaching you" Kazuichi finished "That's how pain is"

"Nagito makes me happy Kazuichi" Hajime looked up with glossy eyes

"Before yes but not now" Kazuichi responded softly

"Maybe if I stay he'll change" Hajime whispered trying to convince both himself and Kazuichi

"If he was willing to change then he would have done it by now" Kazuichi hugged his friend tighter "people change when they find someone worthy of it"

"Kazuichi.." Hajime sobbed on his chest, his body was shaking as he poured out his heart

"Stop pretending its ok!" Kazuichi yelled crying too "how do you expect to heal from it when all you do is lie and say your fine?"

"Your right I should stop chasing him because he isn't chasing me too" Hajime could feel his heart hurt even more

"I know it hurts walking away but its going to hurt more if you stay" Kazuichi wiped away his bestfriend's tears

"Your right thanks Kazuichi" Hajime smiled and for the first time in weeks it was genuine

"Hey that's what soul friends are for" Kazuichi smirked

A few minutes later the pair calmed down and were now watching Tv. Mikan called Hajime to tell him what she discovered about Nagito's diagnosis.

The brunette looked up at Kazuichi for strength,the mechanic put this thumb up and smiled.

Hajime laughed and put the call on loudspeaker.

>Mikan: Hey Hajime is this a bad time<

>Hajime: No what's wrong? <

>Kazuichi I'm here too <

>Mikan: Kazuichi? Great Hajime needs a friend right now especially with this news <

>Hajime: What? <

My (im)perfect family Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ