Appreciation/ Bloopers

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✍🏽This chapter is just dedicated to thank you all amazing people for taking time to read this✍🏽.

✍🏽And the bloopers the characters and I had during the making of the book✍🏽

Blooper 1

Author: Ok people its time to shoot the scene where Hajime and Kazuichi find out their pregnant ,ready  andddd action 🎬

Kazuichi: Wait a moment I don't have any pee in me

Makoto: You don't need any pee we already have a positive test he-

Gundham: So this whole time there was no baby?!

Angie: Papa

Gundham: Whose child is this then?!

Nagito: I am confused too,is Chiaki real or not?

Chiaki: Papa I'm weallll see

Hajime : I need some orange juice

Blooper 2

Author: Ok so Ibuki you and Mikan need to makeout when I say acti-

Ibuki: Got it come here baby,open those legs

Mikan: Eep wait she didn't say ea-

Teruteru: That's not fair I want a sex scene too

Author: These no sex sce-

Nagito: Are you sure it says here on the script me and Hajime are having a sex scene for my birthday

Kazuichi: Why can't we get a sex scene too?

Author: Can we just shoot the make out scene ple-

Junko: Oh hear that Maki let's kiss

Maki :I'd rather drink bleach

Junko : She totally wants me

Teruteru: No the fuck she don't,such a pervert am I right guy?

Everyone: 👁👄👁

Author: Boy-

Blooper 3

Author: Alright so Korekiyo you need to go out there and talk to Hajime

Korekiyo: How interesting does this mean I need to actually converse with him? Not my usual style but ok

Author: Don't flirt with him his married to Nagito remember well sort of

Korekiyo: I won't flirt with hi-..

*Hajime walks in*

Korekiyo: Fuck,when are we shooting our own sex scene too?

Nagito: Hajime is my husband

Kazuichi: Ex husband

Nagito: I had dementia

Mahiru: This is why all men should die

Gonta: But what about Gonta and daddy?

Akane: Except you sweetheart

Nekomaru: This is the part where you say my name too

Akane: Next scene please

Nekomaru: Bab-

Blooper 4

Author: Ok so Nagito you have the ring right?

Nagito: What ring?

Byakuya: The one your going to use to propose to Hajime

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