Operation: BDSB

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✍🏽Fluff more fluff✍🏽

Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the character is remembering the excat words someone else said to them before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


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Operation: Baddie Daddy stay with buddy

Chiaki was bored no not just bored but sad too, She didnt understand why some days her daddy would be home playing hide and seek with her and ;u;;y then other times she wakes up and poof his gone.

This has been going on forever but not today no way today she is going to stay up and wait to see hoz daddy disappears, obviously he would only disappear after she closes her eyes so by staying awake she wont lose her daddy ever Genius right[

So here she was on her parents bed watching them sleep like a hawk, nothing and I mean nothing was going to ruin this plan or so she thought.

"Chiaki what are you doing here its bed time Nintendo" Hajime yawned getting out of bed

He cradled the baby in his arms rocking her back and forth, the baby tried her best not to fall asleep but when your mother has a chest like Hajime is practically Impossible and she was out like a light.


Day 2 of Operation BDSWB

Chiaki knew the mistake she made last time and that was be near her ;other during the mission so all she had to do was stay away from her mummy easy peasy right

So here she was colouring in the living room with monomi atleast thats what she wants you to think,but in reality she was going through the plan with her bestfriends Gonta,Sonia and Angie using her mummys phone ofcourse.

>Chiaki: Hewwo eberyone and fank you for going dis emewgency meeting <

>Sonia: Ofcouwe I would do anyfing for you Chiaki <

>Chiaki: Fank you Sonia yow a gweat fwiend <

>Sonia: Yeah fwiend gweat <

>Angie: Atua told me to come so I had no choice <

>Gonta: Gonta is happy to be hewe too fwiend but where are de snacks Gonta was pwomised? <

>Chiaki: Anyway Lets begin <

>Gonta: What about de foo-..?<

>Chiaki: How will make my daddy stay home? <

>Sonia: Habe you twied staying away the whole night? <

>Chiaki: I did but habe you seen my mummy his chest is..is.. is..HUGE! <

>Sonia: True <

>Angie: Atua agwees too <

>Gonta: Hewwo all Gonta wants is food can he get some pwease <

>Chiaki: So what should I do I just want to pway hide and seek wif em? <

>Sonia: Why not play wif youw mummy?<

>Gonta: Gonta Is weally hungwy pwease eben a one cookie <

>Chiaki: Because mummy giwes up too fast weall fast <

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