4 Diva Devas

696 10 25

Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the character is remembering the excat words someone else said to them before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


_________________🧍‍♂️🤰 _____________________

Hajime P.O.V



I vomited for the third time this morning,good thing work was cancelled for today (Before you ask yes Teruteru got charged this time for public indecency he was having sex in a kids playpark,its safe to say those kids will not be asking where babies come from any time soon)

You must be wondering where my sweet,loving husband was when I was out here puking my organs out,well he is sleeping soundly with ear plugs on because..

iTs tOo eArLy to dEal wiTh tHe dEsPair cOmIng fRom tHe toiLet

Sorry my screams of pain make your hope feel uncomfortable, After I washed my face for the third time today,I got my little journal (not diary because I'm a man obviously) that Akane gave me when I told her I'm pregnant.

Its a tiny orange book that I use to write about my pregnancy.

Dear Baby

Your killing me here,couldn't you wait till atleast sunrise to make me vomit (atleast I made it to the bathroom in time yesterday I wasn't so lucky)

Anyways even though you make me feel dizzy and hungry at awkward times(your father doesn't appreciate being woken up at 2 am for sunflower seeds) I'm happy your in me.

Another thing I'll be honest after I played the Danganrupa 2: Goodbye Despair,I was hooked and finished it quickly,now I'm playing your grandfather's favourite one Danganrupa 1: Trigger happy Havoc hopefully this isn't the universe telling me my baby will be an obsessed gamer (not like I'll mind your father and I will support you in anything your heart desires)

Today is our first ever doctor's appointment,I'm going with your soon to be godparents Kazuichi and Gundham Tanaka (knowing those two they'll be comedy in there don't worry I'll let you in on all the juicy details) your father is coming too (just because his the co owner of a multimillion dollar company doesn't mean he can just skip work.. ok that's a lie he can but he asked his co owner and bestfriend Makoto Togami so it counts)

Anyway I got to go,I can already feel my tummy rumbling so you must be hungry,and Ofcourse you only want sunflower seeds,so bye for now mummy loves you(I can't believe I called myself that its the hormones I swear)


Momma Haji🐻


I shut the book,placing it back in my shoe box. I frantically looked around the room for my snacks because my craving driving me nuts.

"Where the hell are my sunflower seeds?" I whined

"Here you go my love" Nagito mumbled  smiling atleast I think he is ,his messy bedhead is blocking my view of his face. He handed me a packet hugging my back as I ate

"Thanks" I replied already finishing half the packet ,I raised my eyebrows at my husband who simply shrugged and pulled out 3 more packets . And that ladies and gentlemen is how you know you married the right person.

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