Chapter 21

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My head is spiraling in all separate directions. My senses heightened. My heart beating is at an abnormal rate of speed to the point I'm nervous it might burst.

Asher drew back once the sound of the two intruders' footsteps was gone. The warmth from him quickly vanished as he took a step back. Ella almost started to missed it. She slowly opened her eyes to recognize a pair of deep, misty grey eyes staring at her so intensely as if he was trying to interpret her thoughts from her face. But he didn't watch her for long before he dropped his forehand onto her shoulder to lie down. He let out an exasperated sigh and moved his arms to wrap around her waist and clung to her close.

Ella stood fazed, not comprehending what to do. She wanted to assure him 'everything is okay' and hug him forever. She wanted to... but her arms wouldn't move.

Time seemed to slow down. She imagines a clock's 'tick' every fleeting second.


"We better get going, or it might be harder to get you out of here for us."

He then proceeded to reach his arm closer and intertwine her hand in his. Ella didn't even get the chance to think about his words when he pulled her with him through the hall and down the corridor. Why was it only her going to be saved? And who is us?

After walking in a bit, the pair stop in front of yet another door, one different from the others she has seen. This one is built with uranium. It's plated in a silver color with a series of locks strapped on either side. It reminds her of the ice chambers in one of the horror and science-fiction movies she watched with Alisa when they were sleeping over at Cyrus's house.

Instead of knocking like last time, Asher used his other hand and pulled out a three forked key. It looks similar to a trident but curved that if you look it at from the top, it would make out the shape of a triangle. He inserted it into a lock of the right of the door and twisted it to the left in a full cycle.


All the locks that were previously well... locked, turned in all different directions like the sets of wheels turning inside a working clock. It was honestly quite fascinating to watch, in Ella's opinion.

The door opened with a loud engine sound. The inside was dark. Like dark, dark. Ella couldn't see anything.

"Come on" Asher tugged her hand and stepped toward the entrance. Ella hesitated, not knowing what could be inside the pit of darkness. But she didn't much of a choice since Asher ushered her inside already.

"Asher? Where are we going?" He noticed the slight waver in her voice. He tightened his grip on her hand.

"Don't worry, you'll be safe soon. And it's when we are going."

"When? What are you talking about?"

"You'll see." Ella was getting annoyed at his vague answer.

"Jeez, if you can tell me, just say that. I don't need the whole mystery act. You already have plenty of it for what I have seen o far." She mumbled quietly, she didn't think he could hear. But he did.

He tensed for a moment before squaring his shoulders.

Focus. His main priority now is to keep Ella safe. A mission he dare not fail.

"He should be here soon."


"Me." Another voice spoke. It sounded familiar.

The figure came out of the shadow. His face was covered with some kind of metal disguise. He seemed a few inches taller than her but not as tall as Asher. He had sandy, sun-bleached blonde hair swept to the side. It was too dark to see his face. He had a small ball of light on the palm of his right hand. It looked a bit furry in her opinion.

"What is that?" She asked pointing to the furball of light.

"Oh, This? It's my friend, Lemon the Loomos" He told her as he passed it onto her. The 'furball' turned around for Ella to see the most adorable thing. It had big eyes, a small nose, and a mouth that hangs smiling. Aww. The small creature was like a mix of a hamster and an imp.

"Did anyone see you?" asked the masked man—at least she thinks it's a 'him', interrupting Ella as she gushed over the small being.

Asher replied, " Only GB and Rafael. But they should already be starting phase one. We should have more than ten minutes."

Ella didn't understand a single thing they talked about. The whole day, she hasn't been able to comprehend anything. And now, she's sick of it. "Enough. What is the name of Elwin is going on?"


"No. You don't get to 'Lia' me. I want to know what you about to be doing with this faceless freak—no offense." She heard the guy mutter 'none taken' while trying to stifle a laugh. Ella narrowed her eyes at Asher and crossed her arms across her chest, waiting for a response.

"We have no time for that—"


The loud smack on his face echoed the dimly lit room. On one side, Ella stood with her head hang low, her hair covering her face, and her left hand grasping onto her right wrist. While Asher stood on the other with his bangs hovering over his eyes and a hand over his red left cheek. The make figure dared not to even touch the tense silenced air.

But before either had the time to say anything, a series of knocks thumped on the door loudly. Asher shot his head up and looked at the masked guy who nodded in understatement.

"We have to go, sis." The masked guy bent down and pulled up Ella. Lights flashed around, giving Ella a few seconds to gaze into Asher's eyes as the door starts to be broken down. A set of Neverseen members comes pilling in.


Asher thought.

Sorry for not protecting you.

Sorry for putting you in danger.

Sorry for lying to you.

Sorry for hurting you.

Sorry for breaking our trust.

Sorry for ruining our friendship.

Sorry for wanting you.

Sorry for loving you.

Hi, ya'll,

I want to thank everyone who voted on my poll in my profile. I also want to thank everyone who is still reading my books despite my terrible updating schedule. I have had countless awesome readers who have encouraged me the past week to write.

I know I'm really late in updating and am really sorry. Last week was my exam week so I was booked for the whole month studying. But I was able to write again once I was done.

New about my upcoming mystery, romance novel (For ones interested) The two finalist titles are Desired Keys and The Escape Game. I will be announcing the title and the published date this Friday. So stay tuned for that.

So How did you like today's chapter?

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