Chapter 19

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Ella felt her muscles go numb as they walked past several rooms that were designed rather well considering they were in a cave. Her head ached, eyes droopy with exhaustion, hair messy, in all, she felt horrible. She did not even know how long it has been. Her parents must be worried sick.

"Uhhh." She groaned, dreading the moment she will have to explain everything, but it didn't change the fact that she also wished she was in her parents' warm, loving arms.

With her head wrapped up in her own words, Ella didn't realize GB stopped moving. This caused her to slam straight toward her back, pulling them both to the ground.

"Hey!", GB cried before getting up quickly, sending a glare at Ella. Ella huffed, annoyed, and ready to get out of this place. She turned her head to see a few people on the ground eating something gooey—yuck! Her previous hungry vanished at the sight. It looked even worse than Verdi's breakfast.

" Yeah, doesn't look much appetizing does it?" GB said with her arms crossed and cocked an eyebrow at the group trying to swallow the unusual type of nutrient.

Ella merely just nodded.

GB sighed and turned around, continuing to walk ahead. Ella slowly followed behind.

"So, have you been part of the Neverseen your whole life?" Ella asked, trying to attempt a conversation and find out a couple of things about the young girl. GB straightened her posture and narrowed her eyes at her.

"Well my dad is one of the heads in it, isn't he? So, yeah, I guess so."

She didn't seem very pleased with her father being part of the Neverseen. Ella wondered if she really wanted to be in the Neverseen. It might have not been her choice. Ella shook her head. It wasn't any of her business. Her only goal now is to get herself and Asher out of here.

Ella still couldn't figure out why they need him. He is just like her is a mere kid stuck in the middle of the battlefield. Maybe GB is just like them, too. Pulled into a mess created by their parents.

GB nudge her side," Come on, We're already late." Ella trailed behind GB who walked with her head held high, unlike Ella who was trying her best to avoid any eye contact.

They walked till they reached a small door with a huge room on the other side. GB knocked on it twice and kicked it once. Ella guessed it was a secret code letting them know it is them.

The door creaked open with an annoyed face dwarf coming into view. He opened the door wider for them to see Lady Gisela, Gethen, and other members surrounding a wide table. A few people were scattered around.

"Are you two going to come in or what? GB, bring her here." Lady Gisela commanded, waving her hand over to her direction.

GB grumbled something Ella couldn't catch as she latched a hand on Ella's arm before dragging her toward Lady Gisela. Ella wanted to struggle, but she couldn't make herself do it. All she could focus on was the wicked smirk on Lady Gisela's face who apparently acts nothing like her other grandma, Edaline. Edaline is the complete opposite of Lady Gisela. Edaline would come over with baked goods to take care of Ella and her siblings whenever their parents would get wrapped up with their duties as important parts of the Elvin government.

Now that she thinks about it, it might be the first time she has ever seen her other grandma, Lady Gisela. Ella didn't even know she existed before a few weeks ago. I really should research my family more next time, she thought.

Ella kept a face still as she stared at her so-called grandma in the eyes. Soon her eyes itched to have a chance to blink, but she swallowed hard and refrained from losing contact.

Lady Gisela didn't seem to be the slightest bit impressed. Her smirk just widened as her eyes judged Ella. " You look just like my son. You also have the same annoying stubbornness of him and the moonlark, as well."

Air flared out her Ella's nose. She was trying her best not to retort back.

A series of knocks on the door echoed the large room. Lady Gisela grinned at Ella as she allowed the person on the other side to enter. Ella was confused by her grin at first when the person behind the door emerged to be Asher. He came in with his head hung low as if he was trying to ignore her.

Genthen asked, " What's the problem?"

"Rafael froze the whole training room."

GB's head perked up at the name and she left to the door in a rush. She had a slight frown on her face on the way to the door. She nudged Asher lightly on the shoulder on the way. Asher looked up. Ella turned to face him at the same moment, leading to both of them gazing at each other's eyes. Neither one wanted to look away first.

Gethen cleared his throat before he told a nearby troll and elf to go check out the mess in the training room. He glanced at Lady Gisela and turned toward the teenage pair. " Asher, go take Ms. Sencen to the locked room. Here's the key. I'll be there shortly." He took out a set of two keys connect by a small circle key chain from his cape pocket and handed it over to Asher

Asher looked away from Ella and nodded before he reached out to take them in his hand. Don't do anything stupid.

Ella caught him wince. His arm stretched closer to here for his hand to gently wrap around her wrist. He pulled her behind him as they left the silenced room. Ella fixed her gaze on their connected hands.

She didn't know if she should say anything as they walked the same small path she walked with GB back. Asher let out a deep sigh before pulling her into a dark corner. He stuffed the keys in his pocket and touched the wall with his eye closed. Ella felt a bubble go through her. He must have put a barrier around them in case anyone was ordered to keep an eye on them.

He drew his hand back, but kept his eye closed and asked, " Don't you have any questions?"

Ella's mind went blank when he asked. She in fact had a lot of questions. It's just at the moment, she couldn't remember any. She opened her mouth before closing it again. She took a deep breath, straightened her shoulders, and met his now calmed blue more than grey orbs.

" Are we enemies now?"

My deepest apologies, guys!

It's been over a month since I last updated and feel so terrible for keeping you wait this long. I don't when I'll be able to update again, but I'll try to give you guys another chapter before November ends.

Also, we finally get to read Unlocked!!!!!! We have all been waiting forever, and now it's finally time.

I want to give a big thank you to everyone who commented and encouraged me to write this chapter.<3

Comment your thoughts on this chapter, Heart/Vote, and Share.

- LoveMalina

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