Chapter 13

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It was a sunny, bright day. The white, fluffy cumulus clouds hanging up above in the sky. A few years back. Back to the day, everything sparked. The new beginning of the supposed ending. The day two kids connected in a way no one has ever been able to experience. One is the cause of the destruction and the other being the one to contain it. The day history repeated itself in an all-new way.

Foxfire students of all levels ranging from 1 through 6 filled the halls, some talking to one another, others rushing to their classes. Our new generation-- Ella, Asher, Alisa, Ember, Issac, and Cyrus-- were among the group talking. It was the week after midterms and the six-week break. It was their 3 year, while it was the 4th for Issac and Cyrus since they're a year older than the rest.

" Are you guys all coming to my house after school?" Issac asked.

" Yup, Fitz makes the best ripplepuffs." Cyrus states. It was true, he made some of the most delicious desserts.

Ember came over from talking to some curly-haired girl, interrupting the boys' conversation, " Hey! Did you guys hear the news?"

" No, some of us don't really care what goes on other people's lives." Asher scoffed.

Ember shot him a glare and muttered. " Jeez, what got caught up your cape today?"

Alisa rolled her eyes, " He didn't find his ability yet. That's why he's all grumpy."

Asher snorted. " Lucky for you to say. You already found your ability last month." Ella nudged him with her elbow.

" No fighting." She warned them before they could start to bicker.

" Anyways, putting all your emotional drama aside. I heard from Iris who heard from Sklar who heard from--"

Cyrus interrupted, " Get to the point already!" Ember waved him off and continued.

" Fine. They heard Colonel became a pyrokinetic and almost burned half his house."

" Colonel? The guy who always tries to get your attention?" Issac asked with a raised brow.

" Yes, Sherlock. How many people do you know who is named Colonel?" They all gave Ella puzzled looks.

" Who's Sherlock?"

 Having a mother who spent have her life with humans, Ella and her siblings along with Keefe caught on somethings about human lifestyles. She knew Sherlock from a book she found in her mom's library called The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes, which happened to be one of the most famous literature in the Forbidden cities.

Ella slightly opened her mouth to answer when the bell rang, signaling everyone it's time for Physical Education. Ember and Alisa both groaned as they all went to the gym and piled in with all the other prodigies. A minute later, their mentors, Sir Harding and Lady Alxeline appeared.

" Hello, dear prodigies!" They greeted. " Today, we'll be having a splotching match with all the levels going from 1 through 6 against each other. Pair up, everyone.

Ella faced Alisa and waited for Sir Harding to shout. " Start!" He yelled.

Not even a second later, Ella lifted up a splotcher with her telekinesis and launched it toward Alisa. Alisa was ready and met with a big blotch of blue slime all over her uniform with some spalts reaching her face. Gasping, she left to sit down, while Ella was left to giggle at her reaction, waiting for her next opponent.

Round by round, four were left standing and not covered in any slime. Ella, Asher, Issac, and a Level 5 boy named Erin.

Issac and Asher went first with both getting in a stance, ready to aim. Issac slammed a blotch over to Asher who caught it inches away from his face and shot it back to Issac with double the power. Issac tried to stop it from hitting but, the force was too hard and hit him right in the face along with his hair. Unfortunately for Issac, he opened his mouth to gasp letting some pink slime get in his mouth. He almost choked on it but, luckily spit it out.

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