Chapter 4

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Thank you soooo much for all the reads/ views. <3<3<3. I never expected this many people to read my stories. XD.

If this book reaches 1000 views and more than 10 votes, I am going to publish a special. It won't pertain to the storyline, so it's more like a bonus chapter. You guys get to pick what it's going to about, so go comment what ship you want me to do or if you want one with all their kids.

comment on the letter of your choice:

A) Sokeefe- Sophie and Keefe

B) Tiana- Biana and Tam

C) Darella- Marella and Dex

D) Fihn- Linh and Fitz

E) Their kids

The Meeting......

The whole crew- -the Concilars, Collective, the original parents, Black Swan Member and any others-- all gathered in Sophie and Keefe's ginormous living room. Everyone was talking trying to figure out why a meeting was held so abrupt.

Bronte then cleared his throat and everyone became silent. " Now would you inform us of the news?", he asked facing Sophie. She nodded and turned around to face everyone.

" I have bad news and before you guys go shouting and whatnot, listen first." Everyone nodded in agreement. Their kids were all confused about what is happening.

Sophie sighed, " Lady Gisela has escaped". The room was now filled with gasps and widened eyes.

The council looked down in shame; Fitz, Tam, and Grady benched their jaws; the girls were silent; the collective looked defeated along with everyone else.

Mr.Forkle was the first to speak after a long period of silence. " But... how", he looked at the Council for an answer.

Councilor Emery defeatedly replied, " Apparently the bodyguards that were a substitute to a bodyguard who had to return for an emergency were part of the Neverseen. And it seemed they had help from the dwarves."

Everyone stood there abstract. " But why now?", all the frustrated heads turned to face Lihn. That's what Sophie wanted to know, as well, if they could escape that easily why escape now.

Alden then sighed, " Why don't we head back and clear our heads for a bit. We'll meet again this afternoon." Everyone agreed and went their own ways. The kids and their parents stayed for lunch.

The teenagers ran outside to play base quest while the little ones played in the living room. Keefe slummed down on a nearby couch and watched his daughter play with Blake while everyone else sat at the dining table.

" So how did Keefe take this?", asked Biana worried. " Better than I expected " Sophie replied watching him help fix something the kids broke.

" I guess he's used to it by now", Tam casually said to which Biana elbowed him. " Oww," he whined. A smile crept up Sophie's face when she saw that her friends never change, though her joy didn't last long. Her mind went to what could happen. They will have to fight the Neverseen again, but that wasn't the thing she was most worried about.

" What about our kids?", Marella quietly asked as if she read Sophie's mind. Soon everyone's smiles were replaced with a frown and looked down.

" Shouldn't they know?", Lihn whispered. 

" Shouldn't who know what?", asked Keefe as he came behind Sophie. Sophie gasped and clenched her heart in shock. " Keefe!" He chuckled and flashed her a smirk." I could feel you worrying all the way from the living room, Foster" he wrapped his arms around her waist and propped his chin above Sophie's head.

" Now are you gonna tell us or not?", he asked Linh

" I said shouldn't they know about the Neverseen and well everything else we've been hiding them from?"

" They as in our kids?", Dex asked to make sure they were all thinking the same people.

They all agreed to never tell their kids about the Neverseen and wanted them to live a normal and safe life unlike theirs. But looking through the events that just happened, that choice seemed to be getting farther and farther away from reality. 

" We don't have a choice now do we?", Biana asked leaning her head on Tam's shoulder. Tam then wrapped a protective arm around her waist to pull her closer.

" I guess we don't", Sophie sighed. " So when do we tell them?"

" Hmm, Don't they have a sleepover thing over at Willowslip ( Fitz and Linh's home) this weekend?" asked Tam. 

" Yea, why?", asked his twin sister. 

" Why don't we tell them then? They'll probably take it better when they're all together," he explained.

" That should work", exclaimed his wife. Then Biana suddenly remembered, " Oh ya, weren't we supposed to go shopping today?"

Sophie groaned while everyone else laughed. " Yea, but do I have to go?"

" Of course you do, remember you all still owe me"

" Why do they owe you", the boys asked curiously. 

" Nothing!", Sophie quickly screamed. " Hmm, now that makes me even more curious. Come on, Foster, tell me what it is", Keefe pleaded.

She and Lihn both became red and Marella glared at Biana who had a sly smile on her face.

" Uhh, Keefe, Help!" Sophie whined. Keefe shook his head, " Nope, can't help you this time, Foster".

Everyone laughed again at her dislike ness of dresses and fancy clothes. Sophie murmured, " I hate you guys."


Hi guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile and that the chapter is a bit short. I will be starting a new KOTLC Book about what I think might happen in the upcoming book Unlocked 8.5, so make sure to check that out when I publish it.

Remember to comment down below your choice for the upcoming special.

A) Sokeefe- Sophie and Keefe

B) Tiana- Biana and Tam

C) Darella- Marella and Dex

D) Fihn- Linh and Fitz

E) Their kids

I'm going to write longer chapters so it might take a while to update, but I'll try my best to give it to you the fastest I can.

- Love M.E <3

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