Chapter 15

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Ella was currently sitting down in her Multispeciesial Studies with Ember who was talking to some random elf next to her. Their mentor, Lady Lorenar, was lecturing the class about the differences between ogres and trolls. Already know most of the information she was teaching them from her parents and their bodyguards, Ella let her mind wander back to everything that happened in the last few days.

From her parents reveal to the mysterious notes and flask that could be holding something that is probably dangerous, Ella had a lot going on. Not to mention the midterms that start in two days. She and her friends spent hours in the library either studying or researching.

Even spending countless hours researching about stars, light energy, and any other possible things that they hoped could give them some sort of lead, they still weren't able to find out what was in the flask. Ella was starting to get frustrated with it all. It even made her lash out on poor Asher.

Maybe all this was getting too much into her head. Every day she wondered if she should tell her parents, but decided to refrain from doing so. What would her parents say if they find out their worst enemy was targeting their children. Sophie and Keefe would both go berserk and insist she and her friends be locked into their rooms till they grow pointed ears to match Councillor Bronte's ones.

" Amilia. Amilia. Ms. Sencen."

Ella snapped her head toward the voice to see Lady Loranar standing in front of her with her arms crossed. Eyebrows rose with a stern face. She and Lady Lorenar never seemed to get along ever since Ella once corrected her. Her mentor took it as bad behavior and talking back to her. She even made her write a whole 10-page essay about the trolls while everyone else just had to write a small entry of their opinions. Luckily for Ella, Tarina-- one of Sophie's bodyguards-- helped her.

" Yes?"

" Is there a reason you are unable to focus on my class lecture, Miss Sencen?"

" I... uh..." Ella glanced around and saw everyone's attention on her before turning back to the front. " No?"

Lady Lorenar rolled her eye in irritation and turned back toward her desk. She started saying the homework, giving Ella specifically a longer assignment. Ella huffed in annoyance as she got her books and rose, leaving the room.

Ella walked through the halls to reach her locker and lick the DNA strip. It was rather delicious today. It tasted like a mix of cherry and strawberry punch. The door slung open for her to place her books, so she could go down to lunch with her friends.

That's when she noticed an unfamiliar book sitting there in between her Elvin History textbook and journal. Confusion drew over her. She's never seen this book before, at least she thinks so. Ella admits she very much enjoys reading, and with her photographic memory-- which is especially useful for pop quizzes--, she has always been able to remember the covers, titles, even the context about the books. So she was sure, she never has seen the book before. She even wondered how it got into her locker, knowing full well she never checked the book out before.

Giving a sharp glance around, Ella reached her hand over to slowly grab. Pulling it out of her locker, she turned it over to read the title. The title was written in gold, reading out Seeker of Knowledge. Underneath it was a smaller form of elegant writing saying, 

" The answer to all your questions lies between the sheets of paper that glisten with a drop".

It sounded so cryptic. Does everything mysterious have to be written out as a riddle?

Ella furrowed her brow, trying to decipher what is the meaning behind the words. Gliding her hand above the velvet covering, she grasped it lightly and opened the book. She flipped through the pages, her eyes darting from right to left looking for some sort of information on what kind of book it is.

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