Chapter 14

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Sophie paced back and forth around their bedroom. Keefe was sitting down on the bed looking at her with worried eyes. He could feel her emotions spiraling in different directions making him wince when a sudden burden of guilt washed over him. Over the years, Keefe got more accustomed to Sophie's powerful emotions, but there were still times when her emotions went over the top.

He hated seeing her like this but knew how stubborn she could be. Keefe stood up, having enough of her blaming herself, and took broad steps toward her to grab her shoulder making her stop in a halt. Sophie's previously lowered head snapped to face him and his icy blue eyes. Keefe's eyes soften at the sight of her. He knew how hard this must be for her. All her darkest nightmares coming back to haunt her. If anyone knew her, it would be him.

Taking a hold of her hands so she would stop pulling on her eyelashes. It's honestly a surprise she has any left from ripping them off every time she felt nervous-- which would be all the time. " Foster", he breathed out. " You need to calm down. None of this is your fault." He passed through her blocking and pushed a cool breeze into her mind, trying to push the guilt and fear away from her mind.

" I know, but if I had tried better to probe into her mind, this wouldn't have happened. Or if-"

" Sophie!" Keefe shouted and interrupted her rambling. " Stop blaming yourself. This is my mother we're talking about. For all, we know this could have been her plan all along." Sophie tried to reach her eyelashes as a force of habit but Keefe tightened his grip on their interlocked hands.

Knock Knock

Both heads turned toward the door when it opened revealing Mr. Forkle. Sophie's brows scrunched together in confusion. " Mr. Forkle? What are you doing here?" She asked as Sandor closed the door before going back to his stand on the other side.

" Sorry I didn't inform you beforehand of my arrival."

" It's alright. Anyways, what happened." Sophie went over to sit down on the bed while Keefe leaned on the vanity next to the bed.

" It appears some of our modified Elementine was stolen. It was guarded with some of the most powerful security, but somehow whoever took it was able to dodge every single one. Even the cameras Mr. Dizznee made wasn't able to show or track the thief."

" Wait. You said modified Elementine. How is it modified?" Sophie asked.

" Yes. We along with the help of Mr. Dizznee and Mr. Song were able to combine shadowflux with moonlight and reflect it upon Elementine. Before you ask, we didn't tell you because it came out too powerful and had no intention of it getting out. Using it drains almost all of your energy and if used multiple times, it could lead to death" He told them before either one could interrupt in between with questions.

" Then how did it get stolen if nobody knew about it?" Keefe asked curiously.

" We don't know. Either someone spilled the secret or it was them who took it. I have a meeting with everyone who was involved with it's making tomorrow and I wanted to tell you and your friends in case you see it."

' Do you think it's the Neverseen?' Sophie transmitted to Mr.Forkle. It wasn't the fact that she didn't want Keefe knowing, she just thought it might too much for him to handle in case Lady Gisela is the one behind it.

' I'm not sure.'

Before they could transmit anything else, Keefe called out. " If you think it's my mom your probably right. I wouldn't put it past her."

Sophie transmitted an apology. ' Sorry.'

Keefe sent her a small smile and turned back to face Mr. Forkle who shook his head. " We're not certain it was your mother, though there is a large possibility she could be. Most likely, if that was the case, she would have sent someone else."Both Sophie and Keefe nodded. "Anyway, I must get going and tell others."

With a quick good-bye, Mr.Forkle pulled out his pathfinder and glittered away leaving the couple to sort out their thoughts.



Alisa screamed way too dramatically as she ran away from Cyrus who was dunked all over with water. The rest of their friends just laughed and shook their heads, watching them chase each other around.

They were currently at Crysaldome having fun hanging out together. Ember, Issac, Amaya, Ella, and Kenric were swimming near the waterfall while Asher and Archie sat at the edge with their feet in the water. Archie was busying fiddling with some new machine he corrupted to notice his brother and Alisa going about in a wild goose chase.

It was normal for the group to send most of their weekends together in the Crysaldome or just being together in general. Having all your parents being really good friends, it was only natural that their kids grew up together who are just as good of friends as they were.

It was like a huge family.

"Asher, come on," Issac yelled across the waterfall as he and the others started to swim behind him to go near the waterfall. Asher just shook his head. Ella raised an eyebrow at him before she followed the rest.

Asher has been acting weird the past couple of days. He wasn't the same. To strangers, he may seem to act normal but Ella knew him long enough to know something was wrong. She had asked him multiple times if he was okay and every time he excused himself, telling her he was fine.

The reason Ella hadn't tried to pry out whatever was bothering him is that she knew he wasn't someone to expresses his emotions very easily. So she never wanted to push him and fear ruining their life-long friendship that sometimes felt as if there was something even deeper.

It's true that she and Asher are closer than the others, but neither knew why they occasionally get a fluttering feeling in the pit of their stomach. Or the times when Ella's heart raced at his mere touch.

Hi Ya'll,

Did you enjoy this week's chapter? Favorite Part? Surprised?

Also, thank you some much for reading this and hearting it.

Comment down all your thoughts if you have time for I'm always pleased to read them and reply. Next update on August 20 ( Thursday ).

Until then...

- Love Malina

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