Chapter 2

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That afternoon in the Sencen house.......

It was a typical day until Sophie got a call from Councilor Bronte. He and Sophie started at a rocky start but soon they became friends--companions to say the least-- and is one of her most trusted Councilor, second to Oralie. The call was bound to change her's and her friend's life.

The Neverseen was captured a couple of years ago, she was around 16 years old then. They were all prisoned in Exile and she was the one to perform all the memory breaks. She was able to shatter every member of the Neverseen except-- Lady Gisela-- who is also Keefe's mother.

Keefe never had a good relationship with his parents but after all the commotion his dad was getting easier to be around. The memory break was the hardest for him and when I told him that it didn't work he was furious. But behind all his remarks, I could see he was a bit relieved. No matter what he says or what his parents did to him, a part of him will still love his mom and hoped she would change.

Lady Gisela blocked all my attempts but currently, she is imprisoned in a cell with the lastest security with over 7 bodyguards. Her mind was blank after we attempted the last memory break and it looked as if she was in a coma. Our last meeting didn't go like all our previous ones. Keefe and Fitz came with me to do the memory breaks as they always do but in this one Lady Gisela said something unexpected to Keefe.

She told us just after we entered her mind, " Go ahead, this is the last time you will be able to do this, but mark my word this is not the end of your legacy, Keefe. My plan just started and you're all in it; the Neverseen will rise again." I stepped ahead of Keefe and squeezed his hand tighter.

 Fitz shouts to her, " No you won't, We defeated you". All she did was laugh, a treacherous evil laugh that is bound to haunt her at night and turned to face Keefe.

" Listen, Keefe, I did this all of you and one day you'll realize the mistakes you made.", Keefe snorted but let her continue." But know that I do love you no matter what you wish to believe."

To say Keefe was shooked was an underestimated, though he stayed quieted but glanced at her at the very last moment, right before her mind shattered or that's what we assumed happened. It was a rough day for him and I did all I could to cheer him up. 

This was years ago when she was about 24.

The feeling of someone tugging my hand brought me back to the present. Sophie looked down to see a pair of bright blue eyes with golden flecks curiously staring at Sophie as if there was a whole universe in Sophie's eyes.

Bronte left an hour ago and Sophie was currently playing with Calla, her youngest daughter, with Sandor at the other side of the room. Sandor still wanted to be my bodyguard since she became an Emissary. Though he leaves every few days to be with his fiance, Grizel. They've been planning on a wedding for months now. Whenever he leaves, Ro comes over. Our kids grew up with them being part of our family, which they really are.

"Mommy, are you okay?", Calla asked in a sweet calming voice. Calla manifested at a young age like Sophie. She and her siblings were born with a Photographic memory and the abilities as a Polyglot and Enhancer came naturally as they became a toddler. Just when she turned 4, Calla manifested as an Empath, like his father, and a Beguiler. Her siblings also manifested young with Ella being 10 when she manifests as an Inflictor and a Teleporter, like her mother and Kenric at 8 as a Telepath and a Mesmer.

Sophie smiled at her and picked her up, " Ya, mommy's okay just a bit tired. Did your daddy come home yet?" Sophie asked her 5- year old daughter. 

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