Chapter 5

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Thank you so so much for the 2k views, votes, and comments. I'm so happy people read my books! I know it has been a while since I updated, but here it is. I hope you enjoy it!


After the girls, tiring shopping spree, as Sophie would say, everyone agreed to change their plans to meet at Willowslip ( Linh and Fitz's House).

Everyone was gathered in their ginormous crystal house near a lake, just as they were at Sophie's house. The children were in Issac's and Amaya's room getting everything set for their sleepover, while also babysitting the two toddlers.

The room was silent, no one knew where to start. Having enough of the tension, Keefe deeply sighed, " Are we really gonna just sit around with glum looks on our faces? Where's the awesome ideas to kick the Neverseen's butt?"

" Mr. Sencen is right, There is n point of this. I will talk to the Collective as well as the gnomes and dwarves." Mr. Forkle said before turning to look over to the Councillors. " I'm assuming you will be able to talk to the rest of the species?"

They nod and glittered away because they had a meeting to attend. As Mr.Forkel was about to leave as well, Sophie told him. 

" We're going to tell them." Mr. Forkel's eyebrows shot up but smiled a bit later.

" I see, it must be done. Well, I hope you all the best of luck." He said before glittering away.

Dex sighed and slammed down deeper in the couch he was sitting on. " So we're really doing this, huh?"

" They need to know," Sophie stated.

Lihn then got up and left to get the kids after shooting a quick smile to her friends. Tam then got up as well and followed his sister to help get them.

Once they reached the door of Issac's door, Lihn stopped making Tam to almost fall backward.

Linh chuckled at him while he sent her a glare. " Who knew we would ever end up like this?"

" What do you mean?" Tam asked slightly confused as to what she was talking about.

" I mean, if Sophie and the other's didn't come to Exillum--" Lihn was interrupted when Issac's door opened.

" Mom?" Issac asked. Lihn glanced at Tam before announcing, " Kids, your parents and us have something we need to tell you."

All the kids face turned into confusion one by one but followed Tam and Lihn either way. They all made their way to where the others were sitting.

" Wow, You guys look beat!", remarked Ella while sitting next to her parents. 

Keefe let out a small laugh, " You can say that again." Soon enough the whole room was filled with laughter when they realized how they must have looked like.

" So... You said you have something to tell us?" Ember asked looking at Lihn.

They all nod. " Who wants to start?", Biana asked.

Sophie took a deep breath before starting off, " Well you see... There's something we've been keeping you from." The teenagers had a glint of betrayed in their eyes while the rest laid confused.

Sophie felt Keefe squeeze her waist and sent her a cool breeze. " I'm sure you all heard of the group called Neverseen, right?" Sophie waited up till they all nodded before continuing." Well, when we were about Kenric and Amaya's age, they appeared and well I guess you could say we had to fight them."

They all took turns telling the kids everything.

" Hold up, You guys were against a bunch of evil guys when you were 12!?" Cyrus asked looking at his parents. Dex and Marella sheepishly nodded.

" Wow, so you guys are basically heroes?" Alisa asked sitting down from the news.

Sophie looked at her kids who were too stunned to speak.

" You two okay?" she asked them. 

" What do you think?" Ella snapped. Guilt took over Keefe and Sophie's faces when she continued, "It's not every day you hear that your parents are legendary elves. But what I wanna know is why you hide all of this from us and why to tell us now?"

" We wanted all you to have a normal life unlike ours, but things happened and we realized we couldn't keep this from you any longer," Sophie told them.

" Is this why we never get to see Lady Gisela or so-called grandma?", Kenric asked. Keefe's face darkened at his mother's name. Sophie grasped his other hand and intertwined them, squeezing them. He sent her a grateful smile.

" Yeah... I guess you could say that."

" Since you told us all of this, does that mean we get to help?", Archie asked.

" No", all of the adults shouted in unison. The kids then whined and pleaded to help.

" But I can help make gadgets and stuff", Archie retorted. " Yeah, and we all have tons of different abilities", Alisha added.

" C'mon Mom, let us help. We promise not to do anything stupid," Ember whined toward Marella.

" It doesn't matter if you guys have abilities. This isn't a matter to be played with!" Sophie yelled sternly. Everyone was surprised at her sudden outburst. Sophie saw their widened eyes and murmured a ' sorry'. She then got up, " I'm going to get some fresh air," and left.

Keefe sighed and trailed behind. " We'll be back in a bit," he told them before getting up.


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