Chapter 16

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Ella leaned her head back against the cherry blossom tree behind her, and looked over the small hill she sat upon to see her house. This spot was her favorite part of all Roseferry. She just came from a whole inflicting session that is making her head throb in pain. Bronte to say the least was not happy with their last glittery encounter.

She and Cyrus came up with a full pledge plan on how Cyrus will be asking Alisa out. It was fairly easier than all the other girls the boys have gotten together. All her friends have a lot of admirers and to her, some of them are hilarious to her. Once, Issac, had a first-level girl get on his back just to smell his cologne. Some people are just so extra.

She let out a laugh, remembering other crazy encounters.

" What are you laughing about?"

She looked up to see Asher towering over her with his messed up hair and luminous grey eyes peering down at her. She stared in awe as he tilted his head in confusion. Is it the sunset or has he always been this good-looking? No wonder he has a whole flock of girls after him. She'll be lying if her if she said she didn't feel anything. Her heart was beating in an overly quickened pace and her stomach was doing jumping jacks.

" Lia?"

The realization hit her like a rock. Heat rushed up to her cheeks in embarrassment. She turned her head around, avoiding his gaze when a smirk crept up his fine- sharp jaw.

" Yeah?" she mumbled quietly."

" Were you just..."

" No!" Ella shouted way too quickly for her liking. She mentally slapped herself for giving in to his charms. She could feel his smug gaze staring at the back of her head in an amused way.

After a couple of agonizing seconds, Ella meekly asked still not facing him." What are you doing here?"

Asher smiled and walked over to sit beside her. Leaning his head back, he turned his head to focus on the view Ella was admiring.

" You said you wanted to talk." Ella shifted around to face him.

" Oh yeah. I thought you were busy today."

" I was, but when her highness calls for me. I kinda have to come at her becking, don't I?"

Ella laughed. The slight awkwardness seemed to disappear pulling their usual comfortable feeling. Ella felt relaxed in his presence as if the past days never happened and they were never pulled into a riddle of mazes only to hit a dead end. her mind drifted back to the book she found in her locker earlier, back in Foxfire. She wondered if Asher knows something about it.

" Hey, Ash." He hummed in response as she leaned onto him and tilt her head to the side since her head was rested on his shoulder. " Do you know anything about a book called the Seeker of Knowledge?"

His eyes snapped over to her icy blue ones filled with confusion and a slight surprise. Did he know something?

" Why?"

He stared at her as she fiddled with her hands trying to find the right words to say. " I... I found this book in my locker and all the pages were blank. All it said on the cover was that title and a riddle. It said,' The answer to all your questions lies between the sheets of paper that glisten with a drop'. I looked in the library about it but, I couldn't find anything about it so I wondered if you knew anything."

Asher's eyes widened when the words rolled off her tongue and his grey eyes clouded before masking it. Ella caught his slip and reached out to grab his hand.

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