Chapter 7

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" So..." Alisa started nervously as her eyes wandered around the living room. The parents except Linh and Fitz left since it was their house and they thought the kids should have a bit of time to themselves, well that doesn't include the two little ones, but everyone else is still here. Even after they left the tension still kept hold in the room.

After a long minute of silence, Issac sighed and ran his hand through his dark black hair, frustrated. " It's getting late, we should head to bed for now."

There were a couple of mummers like, ' yeah', ' fine' as they all got up from their previous position and got ready for bed. Not much conversation was held that night, as everyone fell asleep. Except for one.

Ella got up, deciding to go on a walk to clear her head. She unfortunately like her mother thinks too much, which leads to sleepless nights and stress. For a fifteen-year-old girl elf, she should have to worry about this; but no, she had to have parents with crazy powers and are literally the Elvin heroes. 

She teleports herself outside, not wanting to get caught. She strode quietly to a swing sent near the lake and sits down, bring her knees up to her chest. Immediately regretting that she didn't bring a jacket or even her cape when a gush of cool midnight breeze flows by. The moon hangs bright with stars shining around. It was a quiet night, with only the wind howling and slight movements in the lake causing the lotus flowers on top of the shimmering form of water to sway. She laid her head on top of her knees and watched the moonlight glazing across the waters. 

A bit around later, her head perked up at the presence of someone near her. She turned her head around all directions but saw nothing. " Who's there?"

" Calm down Lia, it's just me."

Ella sighed at the familiar voice. There was only one person who calls her Lia.

" What are you doing up, Asher?" he walked over and sat beside her.

" I should be asking you that." 

Ella rolled her eyes and muttered, " I asked first."

He let out a small chuckled at her stubbornness. " Couldn't sleep. You?"

Ella let out a deep breath and drifted her eyes back to the lake. " Same." Another gush of wind flew by that made her shiver. She heard Asher shuffling and felt a warm piece of cloth around her shoulders. She looked up to see a dark blue cape hanging off her shoulder with the Song crest hanging down on one side. She smiled at him.

" Thanks, but won't you be cold?"

" I'm fine, I kinda like the cold," he replied with a small smile. Ella nodded after giving him an arched look and secured the cape around her. It smelled like Asher, which was a mix of cinnamon and mint. It was the same smell of the cologne she gave him for his birthday. The smell was calming.

Ella turned to face Asher again, while he was watching the moon. As if he could sense her eyes on him, he turned and gave her a curious look.

" Asher" He hummed in response.

" What do you think about our parents?" she quietly whispered.

" I'm not sure. I mean I knew something was when I found Umber's shade journal."

" Umber?"

" She was the shade before in the Neverseen." He explained. " She was a very powerful shade, I remember looking her up after I found her journal."

" Wait, You said before. Does that mean..."

Asher bit his lip before telling her, " Yeah... she died in one of the battles, I guess you could say, our parents and the Neverseen had."

The realization was drawn over her when she asked, " How long did you know about this?"

Asher leaned back and scratched his neck nervously, " Uh... Well..." He sighed when he saw the look on Ella's face. " For a while now. But Lia-"

Ella interrupted him, " Why didn't you tell us?" He stayed silent. She then whispered, continuing, " Why didn't you tell me? Don't you trust me?"

Asher let out a frustrated breath before turning to take her hands in his, holding it gently. " Lia, I do trust you, You're the person I trust the most. I didn't tell you because... I wasn't sure of myself." 

She cocked her head at him in confusion. " What do you mean?"

He hesitated before saying, " I just didn't think our parents were that powerful, I guess."

Ella looked directly in his slightly gray-teal eyes. She knew something was up, but she didn't push him. She knew he'll tell her when he's ready. 

She trusted him.

Ella nodded and Asher started to get up, " We should get back and get some sleep. You look like you could use some."

Ella smiled warmly at him and he returned her with a caring grin. Asher pulled her up and intertwined their fingers as they walked back inside.

~ The Next Morning ~

Everyone woke up and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

Kenric came to sit next to his older sister who was right next Asher. " What were you two up to last night?" He casually asked while leaning over to get a piece of mallowmelt. Ella's icy blue eyes that had tints of golden-brown specks widened at her brother. Both her and Asher blushed with Asher looking away.

" What do you mean, my dear brother." Ella hissed the word ' brother', hinting him to let it go. By now, they had the whole room's attention.

" Oh, you know what I mean, dear sister," Kenric smirked, that was proudly passed down to him by his father, in amusement. It was a habit of theirs to speak to each other in a polite way or a different language but either still in a threatening way when they were fighting in public.

Kenric continued despite his sister's shouting at him to shut up. " Last night, neither of you were-" Ella then reached over and covered his mouth, muffling whatever he was about to say. Lihn and Fitz threw suspicious looks at both the Sencen siblings and the quiet Song who was frantically trying to escape everyone's eyes. His twin looked at him with a smirk and mouthed' I'm telling mom!' to him. At this, Asher's eyes widened and glared at his twin who looked back at him triumphally.


Hi ya guys, Guess what? 

SUMMER BREAK has finally started, for me at least. Since I have no school for two months, I'll have plenty of more time to write chapters. I apologize for the late update, though. I planned to have this out a few days ago, but this got hectic. Anyways, I hope your summer goes well even with COVID and everything.

What did you think about Ella and Asher? Do they cute together or what? Does anyone have a ship name? Tell me your thoughts in the comments and please vote. I would also really appreciate some feedback and any advice if there is something I could do to improve my writing and this book.

- Love Malina

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