Chapter 11

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Check out this awesome Gacha life pic LilyShipsSoKeefe made of Ashlia/Asha. I also want to give a shout out to RandyRandomPerson for voting for my chapters. Thank you so much!


Ella came back to the living room with plates filled with mallowmelt, custard burst, and other Elvin treats for her friend. After a long lecture from Bronte because of her genius prank on him, she and Asher gathered the group- all the original gang's kids except Calla and Blake- to meet in Roseferry. The class also ended soon and Ella was sure another lecture was waiting for her at her grandparents' house. Her mom's lecture. Keefe would probably praise her while Sophie would go full-on rage.

Alisa spoke up first, " So what's this unexpected meeting?"

" What do mean?" Ella asked back.

" C'mon, Ella, You and Asher made it sound important when you called us," Ember said, helping herself to a custard burst. She then gasped, stopping before she could take a bite. " Omg, are you guys together now?"

Everyone's eye widened and jerked toward the blushing pair seated next to each other. " What? No." Ella stammered out. " I mean, we do need to tell you something, but it's definitely not that."

Alisa being still suspicious, rose an eyebrow at her twin, making sure let him know she'll interrogate him later.

" Then what is it? You've been weird all day, Ella." Issac told her.

Ella nibbled on her lower lip and glanced at Asher who nodded, before talking. " I got a note. I think it's from the Neverseen."

" What?" Everyone exclaimed. Issac shot out of his seat to move close to Ella.

" Where is it?"

" It right here." Ella pulled out the same folded piece of paper she showed Asher out of her cape pocket. She unfolded it and placed it onto the table. Everyone huddled closer into a circle to see the bold writing clearer.

" Oh, dear." Ember let out while the other's stood there with their mouths slightly gaped.

" Are you sure it's for them?" Archie asked.

Both Ella and Asher nodded as Ella moved to flip the note over to reveal the Neverseen symbol. " This is their symbol. I know because I saw it in one of my mom's files when I was helping her clean."

" Are we going to tell our parents?" Amaya quietly from the corner.

Asher stood up from his seat and moved behind Ella. " Should we? This could all be some sick joke."

" I don't think it's a prank, Asher," Ella said.

Kenric who was quiet the whole time, which was unusual for him agreed with Asher, " You never know, Ella. How do they even know that you know anything about them?"

" Really? Ken? You really think someone pranked us?"

"Guys!" Cyrus shouted. " Stop with the fighting. We barely know anything about them."

" Then, why don't we look into them more?" Archie proposed.

" He's right." Issac soon agreed. Before anyone could utter another word, Ella's imparter rang.

Ella picked it up from the table to see her father's name on the screen. She picked it up and Keefe's faced showed up immediately.

" Hey, dad."

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