Chapter 18

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Dark Hollow? How? She was just in her room.

Questions flew all around her head to the point her head hurt of thinking possible, but crazy answers. Then a thought passed through her.


Ella frantically surveys the place looking for her best friend and his daring grey eye, when a piercing voice called out.

" Oh look, is it, my dear granddaughter."

Ella's head snapped back to see Asher looking defeated alongside a woman who had a pink cape hovering over her blonde hair. Ella's breath hitched and her heart raced.

Could it be?


It felt as if time suddenly stopped at the moment. All sorts of theories formed in Ella's mind as she stood frozen with her gaze at the elves in front of her. She couldn't believe it. She didn't know which to be angrier about. the fact that Asher betrayed her or that she has no idea how to get out of this situation.

Ella knew she should be focusing on the latter, but at the moment she felt numb to the core. It was like her heart got ripped out and all that is left is scattered pieces.

Suddenly she felt a push against her mind as if someone was trying to break into it. She looked around to find the person behind it but found that all the elves were staring the same way directly at her with the exception of Asher who was resisting eye contact with her. Her head pounded by the minute.

"I believe she's still in shock Gethen. It would be wise to give her a moment to collect her thoughts." a shrilled voice told a man hidden in the shadows.

"Have it your way, Gisela, but the girl might not last long if we wait any longer."So it is her grandmother. But what could she want from her or even Asher? Wait. He must be the one trying to get in my head.

Her so-called grandmother just rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Just grab her so we can get out of this treacherous place." She commands as two brawny, 6-foot goblins came closer to grab her by the arms. She was lifted off the ground when she finally knocked herself some sense to struggle.

She tugs both her arms in different directions trying to loosen their grip but fails. Tired, she looked up to meet a pair of hollow darkened grey eyes. They looked so cold and... different. This is not the Asher, Ella, knew and loved.

All the elves pulled out a pathfinder, glittering away one by one.

A blonde girl about Ella's age was pushed toward her by the man called Gethen. She sent him a glare before he also disappeared with the light. She looked at me then at Asher who was still standing where he was. Asher saw her glance and sighed as he stepped close enough to grab Ella's hand and the girl's shoulder.

Ella tried to yank her hand away, but he tightened his grip. Though he soon loosened it, when he saw her wince at the pain. Acknowledging her unfavorable disadvantages, Ella settled on glaring at him that could make the dead wither.

She hated him at the moment. How could he? Betray her? What hurt, even more, was hating herself for hating him. All her trust and faith in him just shattered into dust that he blew away. Plus the girl next to him made her blood boil a degree more.

Who is she? And why does she seem so close to him? And why am I worried about that?

Ella tried to ignore the fluttery feeling in her stomach rivaling with her gut telling something's wrong.

Asher's eyes were downcast, not speaking a word or even sparing a glance at her, but instead pulled out a pathfinder. Ella shut her eyes tight as they light leaped in a form. As she felt the warmth of the light, blackness consumed her thoughts and mind. All she saw was a lonely black pit.

"Open your eyes." A soft voice whispered in Ella's ear. It was way too quiet and gentle for her to decipher the person behind the voice, but it was enough to echo through her.

When she, finally, opened her eyes, no one was around her and she was laying on the ground. It seemed to look like a prison cell. Dark and cold. She thought she must be in one of their hideouts she heard her parents talking about. Ella wrapped her arms around herself, rubbing her arms that had goosebumps from the cold. It was like a freezer there.

She needed to get out of here.

With Asher.

Ella knew that the Asher before wasn't the same one who sat beside her a few hours ago. No. This Asher was dark and he had some sort of barrier between him and her. Ironic with his ability.

That's it!

Ability or in her case abilities. She could just teleport out of here. But they must know that, right?

Before she could argue with herself, the locked gate opened by the same blonde girl from earlier. She seriously needs to learn these Neverseen elves' names. It's getting pretty tiring, calling them by pronouns and nouns.

"Get up and let's go." Ella narrowed her eyes at her and sat still, not moving an inch from her spot.

"Why? And who the heck are you?"

The girl rolled her eyes. Jeez, is that all she does?

"I'm GB. Not that you need to know." Ella heard her mutter in the last few words. "Now get up princess. Your dramatic grand mummy and my father await you."

"Your father?"

GB groaned and shook her head, "Dear, gulon, you ask way too may question. Who my father is none of your business at the moment." She crossed her arms. "So either get up the easy way or I'll force you up."

Ella reluctantly stood up and followed her out, but with a sufficient amount of space in between them. Ella still doesn't know how much she's capable or what her ability is.

The path they were currently walking was dirty and the cave's ceiling feels as if it's about to collapse any moment. The shivering cold didn't give much warmth to the place either.

I wonder where Asher is?

Taking a guess, he might be finding out ways to explain himself or maybe other ways to betray his best friend. For all Ella could know and from what she heard about the Neverseen, Asher could be a potential murder. She shuddered at the thought and expelled it out of her mind the minute it entered. But that doesn't change the fact that it's still a possibility.

Ella just hoped he had a good reason for all this.


Most of you might already know this but I am really busy this year. I am also trying to manage like 4 books at a time as well as my other school writing assignments. Let's just say, it's been a hectic few weeks.

New Era is a couple of chapters away from its end. I still can't believe how many people read this! I also want to thank everyone who reads, hearts, and comments on my stories and for following me! I really am so grateful!!!

- Love Malina

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