Navio V

3 0 0

White knight to C3.

"Wow, what an original move," says April. "Would be a shame if someone copied it."

"W-What?" replies Daniel, startled.

Black knight to C6.

"Oh no," he blurts. "Uhm..."

White pawn to B4.

"Free food!" Black knight to B4.

"Frick you," says Daniel. White rook to B1.

"Uh, oh no, uhm..." mumbles April. Black pawn to A5.

"Do y'all even know what you're doing?" comments Reiner, a dude that exists solely for the purpose of commenting on chess.

"What kind of person knows what they're doing?" replies Daniel. White pawn to E4.

Black pawn to D6.

White pawn to A3.

"Fuck my horse—"

"April, commas are important."

Black knight to C6, again

Daniel hesitates. "When in doubt, pawn."

White pawn to F3.


(other) Black knight to F6.

"Fine, no more pawns."

White rook to B3.

"Dafuq u doin—"



Black pawn to G5.


"I dunno"

"Y'all are hopeless," says Reiner.

White knight to A4.

"Seriously, what are you guys doing—"

Black knight to D4.

"Oh, an actually good move—"

"I have no clue what I'm doing either," says April.

White rook to D3.

"Fuck comma my horse—"

"Dude, no—"

"Well, I'm screwed everywhere, unless if I move back to C6, but that's no fun."

Black knight to C2.


White king to F2.

"smh dude."

"Wait a minute—" says April. "Anyway."

Black bishop to H6.

White rook to E3.

"You know what, I'm not even gonna bother."

"Hehe," chuckles April. Black pawn to G4.

I'm moving it so that there's space for my bishop to move. Next turn, unless he does something weird and maybe he will, I can horse out the rook and the because his king can't eat my horse his pawn will have to or I eat his queen. wow I'm big brain

White rook to C3.

frick he moved it

Black knight to D4.

White pawn to D3.

Black bishop to C1.

White pawn to H3.

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