Campana VI

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"Hey, Sandee!" shouts Ysobel. "How are ya?"

"Good," she replies. "You?"

"Good too," she answers. "Is frisbee soon?"

"In like, an hour," says Ysobel. "They're just preparing, I think."

"Who are we up against?"

"Crucifijo," Ysobel answers. "I think our dudes are ready, though!"

"Why? Who's playing?"

"Burgit and Alec," Ysobel replies. "They're pretty fucking insane. You should see them play yourself."

"Later," says Sandee. Then a fat guy walks around a goalpost and it totally isn't attention-gathering.

"What's going on here?" asks Sandee.

"Oh, hi again!" greets Hana. "We're just having our photo taken, because why not? Oh, and all Campanas are welcome in our shot!"

"Oh, cool," she replies. She moves and squeezes in to the side and leans against the goalpost.

"Guys, ready on the count of three!" shouts Frank (he was Cangrejo, but nobody really gives a shit).

Then the camera flashes.

"Nice, guys!" shouts Daniel.

"Where's Burgit?" asks Dave. "I'd like to ask him something."

"He's out for water," replies Alec. "Why? What do you need?"

"I just want to ask him about the wind," states Dave.

"Oh!" she sputtered. "Well, from what he told me, it's obviously easier to go with the wind, so wherever the wind blows, that's where we pass. So that's why everyone has to be aware of where the wind's blowing."

"I see," nodded Dave. "But what if the wind goes a direction we don't want it to go?"

"That's when we do hammer throws, so it's less affected by wind," explains Alex. "Oh, but it is pretty hard to pull off. An alternative would be shorter passes."

"So as much as possible, we should go for long passes?" asks Dave.

"Yup," affirms Alec. "You ready?"

"Of course," says Dave. "I'll do some warm-up throws first. Do you have a frisbee?"

"No, but I'm pretty sure your brother's using it right now," replies Alec. "Ask him."

Burgit steps out to the field. "Yo, Alec. How's it going?"

"We had a photo shoot, but apart from that it's all smooth," she says. "You?"

"Have you warmed up already?" asks Burgit. "That's important, 'cuz you're pulling."

"Not really. There's a lack of frisbees right now, so I decided I'd let the others practice first—"

Then a green disc flies and zooms through them; Alec ducks.

"Sorry!" shouts Kat. "So sorry!"

Burgit picks up the disc from the ground. "You were passing?"

"Yeah, or like, throwing..." says Kat. "One of those."

"Here, I'll show you," says Burgit. He takes a split second to aim across the field, then steps to the side and throws the disc to his right. The frisbee flies in a flat upward curve, and swerves down to the left.

"Woah," gasps Kat.

"Just follow the wind," advises Burgit. "But make sure it reaches someone from Campana. If Crucifijo gains possession, that's bad, obviously."

"We could just slap the disc," notes Alec.

"True, I guess," remarks Kat.

"Which girls are on the team?" asks Burgit. "Besides you and Alec."

"Chesca, for one," Kat speaks. "Alyssa—"

"That won't do," Burgit interrupts. "Can't we have one tall girl here?"

"Height won't matter," cuts Kaitlyn. "It's mostly agility and perception that matters, if anything. The most common thing that tends to happen in frisbee is when several opponents try to block or steal the disc from you. In that case, being able to find an opening and pass through there quickly would matter the most."

"Oh, that's true," Alec agrees. "So, who are we starting off with?"

"I kinda want Kaitlyn on, instead of Alyssa," says Burgit. "Then there's you, Kat, and Chesca, so that's four girls. Then for us guys, there's me, obviously. Then Dave, Rainard, and..."

"One of our new housemates," says Kat. "They'll be enthusiastic to play—"

"What about Gavin?" suggests Kaitlyn. "The Chinese dude?"

"Oh!" Burgit gasps. "That's right. I wanna see him play."

"•_•," says Kat.

"So, are we ready?" asks Alec. "Should we start warm-ups?"

Burgit wipes his face. "Sure—"

"Guys?" interrupts Kaitlyn. "It's drizzling."

Kat looks up. "Oh, shit, you're right."

"It really had to rain, huh?" goes Alec.


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