Crucifijo III

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Ann enters the password on her gmail.

A/N: I'm not revealing it lol

Then, she clicks: Compose.


She types her email. She clicks send.

Your email has been sent. Undo

"Oh, look, an e-mail from Leia," Ann thinks. She clicks.

yo Ann

who's Franc

Ann grimaces as she types her reply.

R - "real"
A - a hole
N - nunna yo business
C - cant

Just a few seconds later, Ann refreshed the page.


Well I hope your crush is doing fine

Ann replies:

what part do u not understand about friendzoning people

Leia responds:

Everything because uhh

I'm single

Ann writes:

Oh yeah

Things to know for Monday next week:

Cangrejo - unfairly athletic
Crucifijo - cheers for team 24/7
Campana - smart af
Navio - every other house's trash can. Cangrejo that weren't athletic enough, Crucifijo that weren't proud enough, etc. which is why they simply roll over and die due to bad team chemistry

Leia replies:

If I was navio I wouldn't be part anymore I don't think

Uh crucifijo I dont wanna play I'll just cheer because I'm lazy af

"Fair enough," Ann thinks.


Leia isn't responding.

As soon as Ann was about to log out, Hana emails her.

Hey, Ann.
Heard about your idea from Ms!
We like your idea about your article being a sort of weather prediction, so mind sending me a draft of your article? Thanks!

P.S. Don't worry about pictures. We have a database of all of them, I heard.

"Dammit, this early?" she thinks once more. "What house is she?

She opens up Google docs and starts typing.

The Launching of SportsFest Houses: A Possible Chaos?

On November 11, 2018, within the walls of our school will arise a huge thunderstorm due to the announcement of SportsFest houses for new highschool students as well as Grade 7 students. SportsFest was an event we were all looking forward to last year, and from the day the houses were announced up to the event itself, students and teachers from different houses verbally clashed and argued amongst each other, leaving many aftereffects; until this day, these people continue to argue, test, insult, and debate: Which house is better? Campana, Cangrejo, Crucifijo, or Navio?

Last year, Cangrejo won overall, beating Crucifijo as its competitor for first place. We also had Campana in third, easily beating Navio in fourth. These results are facts any old participant could use to influence the current Grade 7 students. And, with such a high population of first-year highschool students, it’s easy to say that it will be chaos not only amongst them, but involving the previous SportsFest participants as well.

Please cheer for Crucifijo :)

As soon as she sends her article, a green line shows up in different places.

"We also had Campana in third, easily beating Navio..."

"Might be a bit harsh on the Navios haha"

Then, the line also appears at the end of "Please cheer for Crucifijo :)". The line moves back and letters are deleted.

Please cheer for Crucifijo :)

Please cheer for C

Please cheer for Campana >:)

Then, another line, a pink one, appears beside "Please cheer for Campana >:)" and soon highlights the whole thing.

Daniel Ferrero commented: "Can I delete this?"

Hana Manson replied: "ok sure, but remember it was Ann who typed that with 'Crucifijo' instead"

Ann Lawson replied: "let's have a bet. If Daniel ends up Crucifijo, we type "Crucifijo". If he's Campana we type "Campana". If he's Cangrejo/Navio, then we delete the thing."

Hana Manson: "you're on, cru. Remember when Crucifijo was the one who's cheer all the time? We're coming back soon >:)"

Comment resolved.

For what reason would she be keen on cheerdance?

That's right. She's Campana's cheerdance captain.

Vamos Crusados! Vamos Crucifijo!

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