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After Leo and Bree managed to calm the Johnson girl down, they made their way back to the mentors' headquarters. The guards were gone as Perry still sat on her throne. When she saw the, she greeted, "Hey, Perryland peasants. Check out this thing I found in the weapons room. It shoots lasers!"

She stands from her throne and pulls back her arm sleeve. Their eyes widen when they saw a mini laser gun wrapped around her arm. The three of them look at her as Bree asks, "What were you doing in our weapons room?"

"Leveling the playing field." Perry answers. "You never know when you machine people are gonna turn on us fleshies."

"Any moment," Harley growls under her breath. Leo nudges her, being the only one to hear her.

Suddenly, a noise was heard from behind them. It sounded like a farm animal. They turn around to see a group full of students walking through the entrance near the pool. They were walking like zombies, bleating like sheep.

Perry yelps. "What's going on?"

"I don't know." Leo shrugs.

Perry runs in front of them as her eyes widen. "It's a rebellion. They're trying to take me out so that they can rule Perryland. Well, the only way that's gonna happen is over Dear Leader's dead body."

The three stared at her for a moment before Harley spoke. "You do realize you're in an academy full of bionic students, right?" Then Leo adds, "Well, you had a good run."

Perry glares at the two. "Back off! I've got a battle to fight." She prepares her weapon and Bree immediately runs over to stop her. "No, no, no! You cannot attack them. They're innocent."

"I'm not gonna attack them." She tells the Davenport girl. "I'm just gonna give them a gentle warning. A gentle five-thousand-volt warning." The three glance at each other before running over to push the students down as Perry shot lasers at them. Harley quickly puts up a force field as a laser almost hit a student.

They made their way to the main area with Perry on their tail. Leo shouts, "Sound the alarm. Perry's on a rampage." Douglas, Chase, and Adam look at Leo confused when Perry ran in.

"I don't want to hurt you. I just wanna shoot you with a laser." As a laser shot out from the weapon, it hits the device that was in Douglas's hand. It flies out of his hand and shatters on the ground.

Douglas groans. "Come on!"

"Any chance you make three of everything?" Adam asks him. Douglas gives him an annoyed look before walking over to Perry.

"What's going on? Why are you shooting at them?"

"These students are trying to oust me from power." She answers. Douglas looks at her confused. "No, they're not."

"They're not?"


"Oh, okay."

Harley glares at the woman in disbelief. "We've been telling you that for an hour! Why do you stop when he tells you?"

"Because he's the future king." Perry smiles at Douglas. Douglas makes a face as Perry walks out of the room. "So much for an easy fix. Now I have to build a new duplicator from scratch." Douglas says before walking out of the room.

Chase turns to Harley and his siblings. "Well, as long as they don't tap into their bionics, there's only so much damage they can do." Suddenly, one of the students starts to pound of the console with their super strength. Sparks flew out of it and the lights flickered. The doors to the training are and hydraloop were opening and closing nonstop.

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