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This couldn't be happening.

He couldn't have been standing in front of her.

She watched him die.

She cried over his death. 

But here he was, standing right before her. 

"What's wrong, dad?" He asks in a mocking tone. "No hug, no 'good to see you.' Where's the love?"

Harley's eyes didn't move from Marcus as Douglas glanced between him and Giselle. "How is this possible?"

"Yeah. We saw you get crushed under a mountain of rubble." Chase glares at him.

"When I was making my 'movie', Douglas couldn't stop bragging about his biggest creation ever, an android with bionic speed, strength, and intellect. I spent so much time trying to steal Chase's intelligence, I completely overlooked the fact that Marcus already had it." Giselle explains. "So I dug him up, and reassembled him, piece by piece." 

Adam gasps from beside Chase. "We should try that with Grandma Davenport."

Giselle continues, "Marcus' bionic intelligence gives him a photographic memory, which means he remembers everything from his past and boy, does he have an ax to grind with you, Douglas." 

"Me?! Why me?!" Douglas exclaims before pointing over at Leo. "Leo was the one who hated you!"

"Me?!" Leo asks in disbelief before shrugging. "Uh, yeah, that's true."

"When they attacked me, you ran away. You were my creator and you left me to die." Marcus angrily says, but Harley could hear the hurt in his voice. It was faint, but it was there. 

Douglas just simply shrugs. "Well, to be fair, I didn't think you'd be coming back."

"All right, Marcus, I think it's time we finish you for good," Davenport says. As he and Douglas held up their weapons, Marcus used his molecular kinesis to throw the weapons out of their hands. Marcus and Giselle smirked before fist-bumping.

Giselle chuckles. "You don't stand a chance against us. I upgraded Marcus' technology, and made him more powerful than ever." 

Then, Leo spoke. "Well, he's gonna have to be more powerful because there are five of us now." He gets in Marcus' face. "That's right, bushy brow. I'm bionic now, too."


"It's just his little arm," Giselle tells him.

"And my little leg!" Leo defends.

Leo walks back next to Harley, who Marcus' eyes land on. When the two made eye contact, his face softened a bit. 

"Hello, Harley." Marcus slowly steps forward to her. Harley's heart swelled as memories of them as kids ran through her brain. She always believed Marcus deserved a second chance.

Or third.

Because he's her brother.

He always will be.

But the memories soon faded from her brain as she remembered the situation they were in. She glares at him before taking a step back.

When Marcus went to reach out for her, Chase steps in front of Harley, blocking her from Marcus. Marcus wasn't surprised Chase would do that, but a little part of him expected Harley to reach out as well.  

Marcus remembered the moment before he was crushed. He heard her screams. The look on her face as they both knew he was about to die. 

Marcus looks away from Harley to Chase. 

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