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"Ten seconds left!" Bree exclaims to them. 

"Wait, something's weird," Leo says. "Why would Giselle leave her androids behind to blow up with us?"

Suddenly, one of the androids geo-leaps out. The rest following behind. 

"Good question. You should probably ask them before they all geo-leap away." Adam says to Leo.

"Three seconds!" Bree exclaims. 

As the four of them look around terrified, Harley kept her eye on the clock as it counted down. As soon as it hit one second, Harley grabs onto them and geo-leaping them out. They appeared outside of the set that was in flames before making a run for it. Harley grabs them once again and geo-leaps them back to the academy. 

When they appeared at the academy, Harley releases them as Bree smiles at her. "Great idea, Harley."

"Why did you wait until the last second to geo-leap us out?" Leo questions.

"Because I needed to wait the last second before the explosives went off so Giselle thinks we're dead." Harley answers.

"Come on," Douglas spoke as he walked over to the console. "We gotta find Chase. I'll check his GPS locator."

"Poor Chase," Bree says from beside Harley. "This is all my fault."

The others don't say anything as Adam leans to his sister. "Notice how nobody's saying no it's not." 

Bree rolls her eyes. "No, I'm serious. I trusted Troy, and now Chase may die because of it."

"Hmm, that's what you get for falling in love with an android," Adam says. 

Douglas sighs. "His GPS signal's not coming up. Giselle must've deactivated it." 

"Great. So now Chase's fate lies in the hands of your evil ex-girlfriend." Bree says annoyed.

"Hey!" Douglas snaps. "At least she's human!"

Harley groans before snapping. "Do something! Find my boyfriend!" Her face becomes sad. "He could be anywhere. Please."

Douglas looks over at her and saw the distraught look on her face. He sadly nods before continuing to type on the console. 

"And if he's in pieces, he could be everywhere," Adam adds.

"Wait a second!" Douglas turns to them. "I do have Giselle's phone number. Would it be weird to just call her?"

"You don't want to seem eager. Wait two days until you ask her out again." Leo responds.

"Yeah, good idea."

"Are you insane?! Call her!" Leo shouts at the man. 

Douglas gives him a look before dialing Giselle's number on the console. The rest of them back up so that Giselle could only see Douglas. A few moments later, Giselle appears on the screen. 


"Just calling to say hey." He nervously chuckles. "Quick question. I know it's been about twenty years, but have you seen my gray hoodie?"

Giselle scoffs. "Give it up, Douglas. I know you're trying to trace me. You're too late." She moves her head to show an android standing next to Chase, causing the others to look up.

As Harley's hear drops, Douglas spoke. "Hey, is that Uncle Jerry? Where have you been, man? You dropped out of our fantasy football league."

"Uncle Jerry is one of my new androids," Giselle says. "I can give him whatever human form I want. See?" She presses a button in her laptop and the android turns into another guy, causing Chase to let out a scream.

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