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The hydraloop doors open, gaining the attention of the four teens that were in the main classroom.

Adam had a big smile on his face. "Guys, guess what I found?"

They gave him a confused look before Harley looks down and a gasp left her lips when a dog jumps out of the hydraloop and runs over to them. She kneels to the dog's level and begins to it. "Where did you get a dog?"

"Please don't say from a guy with sunglasses and a cane," Bree says.

"No," Adam replies. "He came over and started sniffing me when I got on the hydro-loop. Then, he went crazy and wouldn't leave me alone."

"And did you by any chance have meat in your pockets?" Chase questions.

Adam sighs and groans. "No... wait. Is salami meat?"

Harley rolls her eyes before turning her attention back to the dog. She ruffles his ears. "You are the most cutest thing in the world!" She says to the dog in a baby voice.

"Harls, you're a dog person? I didn't even know you liked animals." Leo tells her. 

"I've always liked pets, I was just too busy to have one." She explains as she glares at Douglas before smiling at the dog. "Isn't that right, handsome?"

Chase sighs. "Babe, look, he can't stay."

The dog spins around and sits on the ground. Harley laughs as Adam gasps. "Woah! Did you see that? You said stay and he did! He's a genius!"

As Harley continues to pet the dog, Douglas walks into the room and gasps when he noticed the dog. "Otis?!" The dog turns around and Douglas whistles at him, causing the dog to run over to Douglas, who started petting him. Harley pouts before Chase helped her up and they all went over to him. "That's my dog. He was a stray I took in and nursed back to health back when Krane and I bought our first evil lair together! Actually, it was more of an evil townhouse."

"Oh, yes, because having a dog during your evil times are the best." Harley sarcastically says.

"Well, it's nice to hear that you had someone to comfort you while you were plotting to kill us," Leo adds before walking away.

"I think Otis ran away because Krane terrified him," Douglas explains. "He must've been searching for me forever! I bet he smelled my scent on Adam and followed him back here!"

"Are you sure it's the same dog?" Bree asks him.

"Absolutely! Watch this." Douglas turns to Otis. "Otis, sit." He obeys and sits. "Look left." Otis obeys. "Look right." Otis obeys again. "Speak." Otis lets out a bark. 

"I can't even do all of that!" Adam exclaims. 

"I'll tell you another little secret," Douglas says. "Otis has super strength."

Harley's eyes widen. "You gave bionics to an animal?"

Douglas nods. "He was injured and I did it to save his life. You were there when it happened." Everybody's eyes widen at Harley. "Well, you were little, so I can't blame you if you don't remember."

"Wow," Chase says. "It's great that you saved him but I can't believe you wasted bionics on a dog." Harley turns to give him a look.

Douglas gives him a look as well. "Well, I wouldn't say wasted. Do your thing, Otis."

Otis jumps and kicks Chase in the chest which sent him flying into the training area. Harley laughs in amazement as she watches her boyfriend crash against the wall. 

"Woah, cool! I thought I was going to have to train him to do that!" Adam says to Douglas. 

Harley stops laughing as she runs into the training area to help Chase up.

Forever || Chase DavenportOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora