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Everybody in the academy gathered in the main area as they waited on the news about Taylor. Adam, Bree, and Chase were standing by the pillar while Leo and Harley were sitting on the steps. Harley held Leo's hand trying to comfort him, but the Dooley boy could feel the slight shakiness in her hand.

Thankfully, Davenport walks into the room. Harley immediately stands and walks over to Davenport with Leo right behind her. "How's Taylor?"

"The good news is, I flew in the best doctors money could buy, so she's in good hands." Davenport answers.

"How seriously hurt is she?" Bree asks.

"She's in critical condition. We'll know more when she wakes up." Davenport sadly says before making his way over to the console. Leo instantly follows his stepfather and Harley walks over to Chase.

He wraps his arms around the girl, pulling her to his chest. Harley tried her best to calm down, but her shaking got worse. She should've stopped Leo when she had the chance.

"I'm sorry, Big D. I feel terrible." Leo says to him.

"You should," Davenport says when he turns to him. "What were you thinking, making her max out her abilities?"

"I didn't think she'd get hurt," Leo replies. "I just wanted to show everyone what my new team could do."

"New team? Who said you could have a new team?" Davenport asks.

Leo gives him a confused look. "You did. Earlier today when you walked through here."

Davenport shakes his head. "Well, you should know better than to bother me when I'm focused on me, especially when I'm trying to beat her father!" Davenport points over to Harley who pulls away from Chase's hug and glares at him. Davenport continues, "Look, I have to get back to the infirmary. I'll let you guys know if there's any other news."

They all nod at him before he walks out of the room. Chase pulls away from Harley and walks over to Leo, his siblings, and Harley right behind him. "You should've stopped when I told you to. This just proves you're not ready to lead your own team."

Harley gets in-between Leo and Chase, pushing the two away from each other. She looks at Chase. "That's not necessary. He already feels bad enough."

"I am more than ready," Leo says, moving around Harley to be face-to-face with Chase. "And maybe I wouldn't feel like I need to prove that to you guys if you weren't always looking down on me."

"Leo, we don't look down on you," Bree tells him.

"Yeah, we have total respect for all of your shortcomings," Adam adds.

"When are you guys gonna stop treating me like an idiot?!" Leo snaps.

"Maybe when you stop acting like one." Chase retorts.

Leo looks at him in disbelief. "You know what? Maybe quitting your team wasn't enough. Maybe I need to quit being your brother, too." He storms off and Harley turns to Chase with a baffled look.

"Are you kidding me?" Harley questions.

"What now? What do I need to get yelled at for? You knew what Leo was doing and you didn't try anything to stop him. He's your best friend."

"You're right. He is my best friend, not my pet." Harley says. "I don't get to control what he does. He is his own person. Do you want to know why he made his own team? So that he can be valued and treated like an equal. For years, he wanted to be like you guys. A hero. Now he has that chance, but you guys still treat him like the little boy who found you in the lab. When are you going to realize that the spotlight isn't all about you?" 

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