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"I knew you'd show up sooner or later," Krane says, slowly making his way to the others with Harley trapped by his side.

"Where's my wife?" Davenport angrily demands. "What have you done with the colonists?"

"In due time," Krane replies. "But for now, what do you say we focus on our little reunion?" He lifts his free hand and the others immediately went into their fighting positions. 

"We're not gonna tell you again, let Harley go." Chase hisses, glaring at the man.

"Don't worry, if you stay where you are, your fiance won't get hurt." Krane evilly chuckles, motioning to the engagement ring that was chained around Harley's neck.

Perry slowly walks up to him. "Just for the sake of asking, if we were to sacrifice Harley and Tasha--" Chase and Leo cut her off by pulling her away from Krane. 

"We blasted you miles into the sky." Bree tells him before asking, "How are you even alive?"

"What are the odds he'd land here?" Adam questions.

Suddenly, Krane started speaking but it was muffled due to his mask covering his mouth. They look at him confused. 


Krane rolls his eyes in annoyance before trying to speak again, but this time, Adam cuts him off. "Still not getting it. It sounds like something's jammed in your air duct."

Krane hits his free hand against his mask before saying, "Better?" They nod before continuing in their fighting stances. "When I fell back to Earth, I sustained severe injuries. This faceplate helps me breathe."

"Well, I think I speak for all of us when I say it's an upgrade because that chain of paper clips you had hanging off your face was not working." Davenport comments. Suddenly, Krane uses his free hand to lift Davenport by the neck with his molecular kinesis. Davenport starts to choke before being thrown to the ground.

"Okay. Still got that old trick." He says as Bree helps him off the ground. 

"And a few new ones, too," Krane adds.

Leo glares at him. "How did you get up here?"

"I used a cyber cloak, pretended I was a colonist," Krane answers, turning his head to Davenport. "Remember Roberta from Kentucky?"

Davenport shakes his head. "It all makes sense now. The satellite, the hole in the dome. It was you."

"When I heard you were creating a space colony in another galaxy, I realized this was my perfect opportunity," Krane tells them. 

"To become a middle-aged Southern woman?" Adam asks. 

"To create a new base camp for my bionic army," Krane replies. "Far away from any meddling humans." 

Bree steps forward. "Well, you don't have a bionic army anymore. They work for us now."

"I have a new army. Your colonists." Krane informs. "They're about to be implanted with bionics, which brings me to Dr. Gao."

The sound of a door opening brought their attention. They look over and saw a man wearing a black suit, his hands clasped behind his back.

Krane continues, "Dr. Gao is a scientist who's come up with a new way of creating bionic humans. Liquid injection."

"We will never let you put bionics in those innocent people." Davenport hisses. 

"You won't have a choice." Krane pulls out a device from his pocket, and Harley's heart dropped. "Look familiar? With the Triton App device, I can make you do anything I want."

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