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In a blink of an eye, they arrived at Mighty Med. 

"Welcome to Mighty Med." Oliver greets with a smile. "The world's best superhero hospital."

Leo looks around in awe. "First I get to travel through a wormhole, and now I'm in a superhero hospital? This is the best day ever!"

Bree gives him a look. "If you don't count the part where our brother got blasted and is about to die."

"Wow," Leo says with an annoyed look. "You really know how to ruin a guy's day."

Harley groans. "We don't have time for this right now! Chase doesn't have much time!"

"Quick, put him over here!"

They run over to the gurney that Oliver pointed them to, and Adam sets Chase down on it. While everyone was gathered around him, Kaz runs over to an older man who wore a coat.

"Horace, Chase was blasted by the Incapacitator. He needs immediate medical attention." Kaz says.

"Oh no! Not Chase! This is terrible!" Horace exclaims. "Who's Chase?"

Oliver grabs Chase's arm and raises it in the air. "Him."

Horace smiles as he walks over to Chase. He holds out his hand to Chase. "Nice to meet ya." The bionic teens look at each other confused as Horace continues to hold out his hand for Chase. He turns to Oliver and Kaz. "He's not very friendly, is he?" He then turns to the bionic teens. "What type of superhero is Chase? Other than an impolite one."

Harley gives the man a look. "He's not a superhero. He's human, but with a bionic chip in his neck that gives him super abilities."

"Except for the ability to say hello," Adam spoke. "Chase, you're embarrassing us!" Harley smacks the oldest Davenport's chest. 

"What's going on? Who are these people?"

They all turn around to the sound of the voice to see a girl standing there with a pink and black suit on and a pink stripe in her hair. 

"I'll explain later, but the short version is, bionic arm, super strength, super-fast, super hot, and super unconscious." Harley glares at Kaz while the girl with the pink stripe awkwardly waves at them. 

"Can you help him?" Leo asks Horace.

"Don't worry. I have everything under control. Chase will be perfectly fine." The four bionic teens let out a sigh of relief. "Kaz, Oliver, come with me."

Horace walks to the side with Oliver and Kaz while the rest stay with Chase. Harley grabs his hand and lightly smiles at the fact that he'll be okay.

But sometimes, not all dreams come true. Thanks to her bionic hearing, she overheard Horace's conversation with the boys, saying how he doesn't know how to cure Chase. Then, she overhears Kaz and Oliver talking about how they promised Chase would be fine. She looks over at the others who were looking down at Chase as well. She knew she should've told them, but she couldn't. She agreed to have Chase come here, and he's not leaving until he's awake. 

Suddenly, Kaz and Oliver walk over with their chests puffed out. Leo leans over to Harley. "Wow. These guys seem really confident." Harley doesn't a word as she nods.

"Thank you for bringing us here and finding a cure for Chase," Adam tells them. "I have to admit, I had my doubts."  

Bree smiles at them. "Well, I never doubted Oliver for a second. He has such a trustworthy face. Just look at it."

They look over at Oliver who had a weird expression on his face while sticking out his tongue multiple times. Bree holds her hands over her heart with lovey eyes while Adam, Leo, and Harley look at him weirdly. Oliver motions to the orange in his hand. "This orange is really sour."

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