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Harley, Leo, and the Davenport siblings were sitting down having lunch together until Perry decides to storm in.

"What's up, meatbots?" She takes a seat at the table next to them and props her feet onto the table. She pulls out a magazine. The five of them gave her a confused look before Harley turned back to her food and took a bite of her dino nuggets.

Davenport walks into the room with an annoyed look as he saw Perry sitting. "Excuse me." Perry yelps as she threw the magazine out of her hands and casually put her hands together. "What do you think you're doing? This is the fourth time this week I've caught you blowing off your security rounds."

Harley snorts as she thought about how Davenport hasn't been there for weeks. Instead, he was in Mission Creek with Tasha. 

"What do you expect?" Perry asks him. "This job is too hard for one person. How am I supposed to patrol the grounds, monitor cybersecurity, and still find time to steal from you?"

Davenport scolds the woman. "Look, you asked me for this job. If you can't handle it, then maybe I should find somebody else."

"Good luck trying to find someone else who wants a high-paying job on a tropical island." Perry crosses her arms and turns her head away from Davenport. 

The monitor on the wall started to make static noise and all of them turn their head to the sound. "Hey, what's going on with the monitors?" Chase questions.

"Somebody probably hacked our signal because the sheriff wasn't doing her job." Davenport rolls his eyes, pointing at Perry.


Oh no.

Harley's head whips around and her jaw falls when she saw who it was. Leo and his stepsiblings scream in horror. 

"I've been trying to get in here for months. I had to go through all sorts of firewalls and security blocks. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you didn't want me here." Eddy says in a sad tone.

"We don't want you here," Leo tells him.

"Well, look who finally got a big-boy voice. Still waiting for the rest of your little-boy body to catch up, huh?" Eddy remarks. Harley chuckles from beside Leo and he elbows her, glaring at her. 

"Eddy, you're supposed to be in Mission Creek with Tasha," Davenport says.

"Don't worry, she's fine." He assured him before adding, "I triple-locked her in the closet. Even her man paws can't claw through that. Speaking of man paws, how are you, Bree?"

Bree glares at him before exclaiming, "That's it. Where's the hammer?" She went to charge at the monitor, but Leo quickly grabs to hold her back. Adam and Chase quietly chuckle at Eddy's comment but stops when they saw the glare they received from Harley. Chase clears his throat and gives her a loving smile.

"I don't know about the hammer, but I'm definitely looking at a room full of tools." 

From behind them, Perry was laughing at Eddy's comment.


Adam, Bree, Harley, and Leo enter the mentors' headquarters when they saw Chase and Davenport with large grins.

"Hey, great news, everybody." Chase jogs over to them.

"You scored a goal in your junior soccer league?" Adam asks.

"You finally fit into men's pants?" Bree asks.

"You're going bald?" Leo asks.

"You're going to give your fiance a kiss hello?" Harley asks.

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