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It's been a few weeks since the couple has become newly engaged. They were beyond excited. By how Bree got every chance to mention that Harley would become her sister, it seemed like she was more excited for the engaged couple. 

It's also been a few weeks since Giselle escaping. Ever since that day, Harley has gotten non-stop nightmares about Chase lying on that gurney dead. It still brings a pit to her stomach. She and Chase still have to remind her that he isn't going anywhere. Which Harley hoped was true. She never wanted to lose him. 

Currently, Harley has been searching the whole academy for her best friend. She had a training session with her students, but Leo never showed. It seemed odd for Harley because he never informed her that he wasn't going to show. 

She met up with the Davenport siblings as the four of them were on a hunt for Leo. They walk into the main area where they saw Douglas typing on one of the consoles. "Douglas, have you seen Leo? He's late for training?"

"Why don't you just call him?" Douglas asks them confused.

Adam groans. "Too much work. Let's just kick him out of the academy." The three teens give him a look before walking over to the console, calling Leo. The moment Chase dialed Leo's number, his face appeared on the screen placed on the wall. 

What the confusing part was he was in the Davenport house, which was in Mission Creek.

"Hello." Leo smiles at them.

"You don't answer my calls, but once Chase does, you answer?" Harley scoffs. "I see who you favorite the most." 

Chase grins at his fiancee before turning back to the screen. "Leo, what are you doing back in Mission Creek? You're supposed to be here for training."

"Sorry, I had to pop back and deal with a little situation. Janelle missed me." He says with a smile before looking at Harley and Bree. "You ladies can be so needy."

The two females look at each other before Harley looks back at the screen with a smug look. "She threatened to break up with you, didn't she?"

"It was implied," Leo replies quietly, and Harley snorts. The others nod before the doorbell was heard. "Ah! She's here!" Without another word, he hangs up the call, the screen turning black. 

"Can you believe him?" Chase asks in disbelief. "Skipping his training to hang out with a girl?" Harley sighs as she crosses her arms. She and Chase never skipped training to hang out with each other. No matter how many times she tempted him with kisses.

Adam places a hand on Chase's shoulder. "You might understand it better one day when you actually have one." 

Harley and Chase glance at each other before looking back at Adam. "Adam, I'm Chase's girlfriend." Chase clears his throat. "Actually, according to that ring that is on a chain around your neck, it means you're my fiancee." 

The Johnson girl smiles as she hears the word fiancee come out of Chase's mouth, and Bree squeals. But Adam on the other hand looks at them confused. "Really? Since when?" 

Harley and his siblings roll their eyes at him before Chase continued. "Also, for your information, later today I will be online gaming with FrizzyBizzy21. And there's at least a 50% chance that's a female!"

"No, there's not." Harley and Bree reply. Chase glares between the two before the sound of the hydraloop arriving at the academy grabbed their attention. The doors opened and their jaws dropped on the person walking out. 


"Ahh! It's her!" Douglas screams as he jumps and runs over to hide behind Harley. But she shrugs him off as the mentors and the students surrounding them got into their fighting positions while Adam walks over to the girl. 

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