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Harley was peacefully sleeping in her capsule... that was until her boyfriend decided to run into the room and screams.

It jumped Harley and the others awake, the capsule doors opening while Leo falls off the couch.

"Guys, wake up!" Chase shouts. When Leo stood up, Chase started jumping. "We did it, we did it, we did it!"

"We were sleeping, we were sleeping, we were sleeping!" Leo angrily mocks as he jumps.

Harley yawns. "Babe, it is 5:30 in the morning. What's going on?"

"It took five years, but Mr. Davenport and I finally cracked it. We created a new technology that's gonna revolutionize the way the world gets its energy." He lets out an excited yell.

"Did he just wake us up to talk about science?" Adam asks.

"I don't care where you hit him, just make it hurt," Bree says to Adam.

"Come on!" Chase runs over to Harley and grabs her hand, pulling her out of the room behind him. Harley could barely keep up because he was running way too fast and she was still tired.

When they arrived at the room, Chase releases Harley's hand and she rubs her eyes. She opens her eyes to see Davenport standing next to a glass case, smiling at the invention inside.

Chase smiles. "Here she is. The Davenchase energy transponder.

"So, uh, what does it do?" Bree questions.

"It's kind of like Harley and Leo's energy transference ability. It wirelessly harnesses energy from sources around it, then stores it, so it's the ultimate power." Chase explains.

"Oh, cool," Adam says. "I've been looking for a new phone charger. Crack her open and juice me up." He pulls out his phone.

"It's not a phone charger, Adam," Davenport tells him. "It's a billion-dollar piece of technology. This little device packs in enough punch to power an entire skyscraper."

"So what'll that get me, like, fifteen hours of talk time?" Adam questions.

"Right now, this is just a one-of-a-kind prototype, but soon, the entire world will run on my technology!" Davenport says with excitement.

Chase looks at him confused. "Uh, I think you mean our technology."

"Yeah, my technology," Davenport replies, making Chase look more confused. "Let me show you how it works. For security reasons, we're keeping it in this impenetrable cube that can only be opened with my retinal scan." He leans forward and the cube scans his eye. It unlatches and Davenport opens it up.

Leo laughs from beside Adam. "Eye am impressed." Everybody gives him a look as he laughs. "Get it? Because he has to use his eye to open that thing... okay."

Davenport picks up the Transponder and brings it over to the table. While the others bent down to get a closer look, Davenport and Chase were treating it like a baby.

"Isn't it amazing?" Chase asks excitedly.

"It's not doing anything," Bree says.

"It's harnessing energy!" Chase snaps.

Bree puts her hands up while Adam spoke. "Sorry, but all I see is a phone charger. Does it come with a cute little carrying case?"

Chase looks at him annoyed. "Okay, Adam. Do you still think it's a phone charger? Go ahead and put your phone on there."

"Don't mind if I do." Adam places the phone on the Transponder, and it starts to spark and begin smoking. They all jump back from the phone as it flew off the Transponder and bounces off the wall.

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