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Harley was thankful for Davenport. He and the students went on a field trip to Gettysburg for the day which means the four mentors finally get the day off. Harley and Bree have already had their plans figured out: to relax by the pool. 

The girls walk into the main area where Leo and Douglas were talking. When Leo noticed them, he immediately runs over. "Hey, guys! I ditched the field trip so I could hang out with you guys. What should we do on our day off?"

The two glance at each other before looking back at Leo. "Our day off? No, this is our day off." Bree motions to her and Harley. "We've already got it all planned out. I'm going to sit by the pool and read a book, while Harley possibly sleeps. I would ask you to join us, but I live and work with my family, so I'm sick of all of you. Harley is the only one I can tolerate, which is why I invited her."

"As Bree said, I'm planning on sleeping." Harley shrugs. "Besides, you've never been the one to... relax."

Leo gives her a look as Chase enters. He walks over to him. "Hey, Chase, want to hang out?"

"Sorry, Leo. Got to make the most of my day off." Chase says. "I already organized the weapons vault, alkalized the island's water system, and taught a cute little group of dolphins to wave hello." 

"How about a hello to your cute little girlfriend?" Harley suggests. Chase couldn't help but chuckle as he leans down to press a kiss against her lips. 

As they pulled away, Chase looks back at Leo. "Next up, some light reading." He takes one of Bree's book out of her hands and uses his bionics to quickly read through the book. He closes the book and gasps. "She ended up marrying the vampire? I did not see that coming."

Bree huffs in annoyance before grabbing the book out of her brother's hands. 

Adam walks into the room with a large boulder in his hands. Leo walks over to him. "Hey, Adam--"

"Nope." Adam cuts him off. 

Leo stands there stunned before turning around. "I didn't even ask you anything yet."

Adam slightly laughs. "Oh, sorry. Go ahead."

"Thank you," Leo says. "Would you like to--"

"No." Adam cuts him off again before turning to the others. "Guys, check out this rock I found onshore. I had to dig it out of an old wooden box of yellow coins and jewelry."

As Adam shows them the boulder, Harley shudders at the sight of the spider on it. She truly hated spiders. But Chase, on the other hand, was fascinated with what he saw. 

"Adam, this isn't a rock. It's a fossil! Let me see that thing." Chase grabs ahold of the rock, but the two brothers started to fight for it. Chase eventually got the rock out of his brother's hands and brought it over to the console. 

Douglas walks over and Harley looks over to smile at him before turning back to Chase, who places his two fingers on his temple to scan the fossil. He gasps and looks over at the others in excitement. 

"This is a prehistoric sea spider! It went extinct millions of years ago." Chase tells him excitedly.

"Great," Harley says with fake excitement. "Let it stay that way."

"Way to go, Chase. You made my rock boring." Adam says before walking out of the room.

"Cool! I love spiders! You know, back in high school, they used to call me spider legs." They give him a look. "And I'm just now starting to realize that's a bag thing."

Douglas inspects the fossil. "It looks like it's from the Cretaceous period."

Chase claps his hand on Douglas' back. "You're right, Douglas. It's from the Valinginian subdivision. I would've loved to see this spider when it was alive."

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