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The hydraloop doors open as Harley and Bree helps lead Leo out as he twisted his ankle during the mission. Chase was behind the Dooley boy while Adam was on the other side of Bree repeating, "Easy, easy, easy--"

Chase sighs in annoyance. "You know, this would be a lot easier without you saying 'easy' every two seconds."

"Sorry," Adam replies, but as soon as Harley and Bree continue to help Leo, Adam spoke again. "Careful, careful, careful..."

They all roll their eyes as Bob and a few students behind him walk into the main area. Bob looks over at Leo. "Oh no. Did Leo blow chunks on the hydraloop again?"

Leo gives the blonde-haired boy a look. "No. We were on a mission, and I hurt my ankle."

"And then he blew chunks on the hydraloop," Bree adds.

"You know the drill, Bob," Adam says to the boy.

"Puke patrol! I'll go grab the mop." Bob excitedly says before running out of the main area.

Chase and Harley glance at each other while Adam smiles. "I taught him well."

Chase walks over to the other students who were wondering what has happened. "We were evacuating a steel mill when the roof collapsed."

"We were pinned down, and Leo had to jump over an industrial grinder to save us," Bree explains. 

The students look impressed as they nod at Leo before walking out. Harley turns to her best friend. "Come on, let's go get that ankle checked out."

Right as she started to guide him, he pulls away from her and limps on his own. "You guys don't need to baby me. I'm a grown man."

Suddenly, Tasha walks into the main area. Leo's eyes widen once he saw her and held out his arms. "Mommy!" 

As he flings himself into his mother's arms, Harley leans over to the three. "I knew it wouldn't last."

"I came as soon as you texted me," Tasha tells her son when they pulled out of the hug.

"I'm not going to lie, this is a grade-A boo-boo," Leo says.

"We better get you to your room," Tasha says before looking around. "Where is your room?"

"It's on the other side of the island," Chase responds.

She smiles. "I still can't believe you guys got your own island." Her smile fades. "For Valentine's Day, all I got was a lousy t-shirt that said 'I Married Donald'."

"Wait, you guys are married?" Adam questions. "I just thought you came over a lot."

As Tasha gives him a look, Harley couldn't help but laugh. 


After Tasha took Leo to rest, the four mentors decided to freshen up after the mission. Once they were changed into their mentors' uniforms, they entered the mentors' headquarters to see Leo laying on the couch with a smoothie in his hand, his ankle propped on a pillow. 

As Harley opened her mouth to speak, Leo shouts. "Mom, you forgot my tuck-tuck!" 

Tasha runs over and tucks him in with the blanket over him. Once she walked away, the four looks at the Dooley boy while Harley questions, "Tuck-tuck?"

"You're kind of milking it, aren't you?" Chase asks.

"Not yet," Leo replies. "The milk comes with the cookies at three o'clock."

Harley sighs. "Well, I'm just glad that you're feeling better."

"Yeah." Adam agrees. "You're lucky you didn't get hurt worse. You were so close to getting chewed up by that industrial grinder."

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