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It was a quiet day at the academy. The mentors finished their training with the students which meant everybody had the rest of their day off. 

Harley was planning on using her day off by hanging out in the mentors' headquarters. There was nothing important going on, so she thought she could finish reading her book.

As she was halfway done in her book, her surroundings became black as somebody covered her eyes. Not know who it was, she spoke. "I don't know who you are, but if you don't tell me in about three seconds, I will blast you."

A chuckle was heard and her heart swelled when she knew that laugh. She was able to see once again and she turns around to see a smiling Chase. The sight in front of her caused her to smile as well.

"Well, hello there, handsome. What are your plans for today?" Harley questions as she sets down her book.

"If you must know, I was planning on taking my beautiful girlfriend out of a picnic by the ocean," Chase replies.

She gives him a look. "A date? We haven't had one of those in a while."

Chase nods. "Which is why I thought since we have nothing else to do, why not go on a date? Unless of course, you don't want to."

"No!" Harley quickly stands from the couch. "I do. I want to go on a date. It was just very sudden." 

The Davenport boy laughs. "Well, get ready. I'll meet you out by the beach." 

Harley nods before he leans forward to kiss her lips before walking out of the room. When she saw it was clear, she lets out a squeal, right when Bree entered.

"Woah. I don't think I've ever heard you make that sound before." Bree says as she chuckles.

Harley's cheeks flush pink in embarrassment. "My bad. Chase just told me he has a date planned out for me. I'm just excited."

Suddenly, Bree squeals just like Harley did moments before. "You have to let me help you get ready! Please!"

Harley chuckles. "Of course. You know I love your outfit taste."


After half an hour of Bree deciding on what Harley should wear, the Johnson girl made her way down to the beach. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the sight in front of her.

Rose petals were spread out everywhere as there was a blanket laid out on the sand with a picnic basket. Standing over it was Chase, the boy Harley loved with all her heart.

The two made eye contact and they both smiled. Harley makes her way over to him and he watches her. He couldn't help but think how beautiful she was as she walked alongside the beach. Her short wavy hair flowing with the wind, the sun making her skin glow, and her smile, her darn smile that makes Chase fall in love with her all over again.

"Hi." Harley smiles when they were close in proximity. 

"Hi," Chase repeats. "Shall we sit?"

Harley chuckles. "We shall."

The two of them sat on the blanket and Chase opens up the basket that was filled with many of his and Harley's favorite things. 

While the two ate and laughed about memories over the years, Chase was staring once again at the beauty in front of him. 

This time, Harley noticed. "What are you staring at?"


Harley rolls her eyes. "Why look at me when there's all this glorious food?" She motions to the fruit laid out in front of them. When Chase didn't say anything, she picks up a chocolate-covered strawberry and takes a bite out of it. 

When she set down the half-eaten strawberry, Chase laughs. Harley looks up at him confused. "What are you laughing at?"

Instead of answering, Chase lifts his hand and brings it closer to Harley's face. He caresses his thumb along her bottom lip before pulling back and sucking off the chocolate on his thumb. 

Feeling insecure about eating messy in front of him, Harley begins to wipe her mouth. That action caused Chase to grab her by the wrist.

"Allow me."

Chase leans in closer, pressing his lips against Harley's. She had no objection as her eyes fluttered shut and moved her lips with his. The two stayed in that position for a while, sooking up each other's love in the kiss before Chase eventually pulled away. But not too far as their noses slightly brushed against each other.

The two stare into each other's eyes, not daring to look away. Chase was the first to speak up. "You are beautiful, you know that, right?"

Harley scoffs with a smile on her face. "You're such a sweet talker, you know that, right?"

"I'm serious." Chase moves the plates aside as he motions Harley to come closer, and she did. She turns her back to him and leans against him. Chase wraps his arms around her figure as Harley sets her hands on Chase's arms.  

They sat in silence as they watched the waves crash into each other. In the background, seagulls were flying around or making noise, but Harley and Chase didn't care.

All they cared about at that moment was each other. 

"I said this before, but I'm going to marry you one day." Harley looks up to meet Chase's hazel eyes that she adores so much. "And I'm going to do it when you least expect it."

Harley slightly laughs. "I always know what you're plans are. You can't surprise me."

Chase shrugs as he slightly tightens his grip around the girl before resting his chin on her shoulder. "Just you wait."

And the two of them had no idea what was coming next.

Forever || Chase DavenportOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora