29. Savior.

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"Regina..." Mulan said in disbelief, "Did Emma really kill Claudius??"
Solemnly, The Queen replied, "She did."
Horrified, Mulan stated, "...she's a murderer... there's no coming back from killing an innocent."
The Queen paused a moment, then glancing at Mulan she replied, "Understand this; I loved Claudius dearly. He was my most trusted guard, my friend. Claudius always did what was asked of him, at his own free will. That said, he was no innocent, Mulan."
Red gazed at Mulan, taking her arm for comfort. Regina continued, "Let me assure you, both. I've killed hundreds of people in my life.. maybe thousands. I was ruthless, demanding, and cruel. Although I've captured the hearts of many, I myself am heartless at best."
The Queen paused, taking a moment to glance at her guard's lifeless body in the doorway.
Bringing her attention back to Mulan and Red, she continued; "I know, that if I can somehow change.. if I can be better.. I truly believe Emma can come back from anything! She's still in there.. Although the darkness is taking hold, I know Emma's light will shine through."

"Alright then," Mulan began, "You speak of 'change' and 'redemption'.. prove it. Give Ruby her heart back, and prove you've truly changed."
"Mmm.." The Queen thought, "And how do I know, Mulan, that you won't just run, abandoning me after I do so?" The Queen moved closer to her, narrowing her eyes as she spoke, "How can I be assured, that this isn't some plot to get what you want?"
"Because," Mulan replied with narrow eyes, "I'm. Not. You."
"Mulan!" Red scolded,"That is no way to speak to our Queen!"
"Very well." Regina replied, her eyes steady on Mulan, "Red may have her heart back... however, I must warn you; if you turn your back on me, I'll make you watch as I crush that heart into dust!"
The Queen opened her hand, palm up and in front of her. Purple smoke swirled in her palm, seconds before a bright red heart materialized in its place.

 Purple smoke swirled in her palm, seconds before a bright red heart materialized in its place

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The heart was pulsing in her hand. It's bright red glow shown brightly through her fingers, surrounding it.
"All this trouble, for such a small and insignificant object..." The Queen said out loud to herself.
"Ruby's heart is not insignificant!" Mulan replied back.
"Come now," Regina replied, looking up to meet Mulan's eyes, "that's the last thing I would expect from someone willing to sacrifice one's heart for another. After all, what would Aurora say about that?" The icy words dripped from her lips.
The anger in the warrior's eyes grew, "You take that back!" She replied, gripping the hilt of her sword tighter.
The Queen laughed, "Or what, my dear?"
Red let out a gasp as Mulan lunged at Regina, wrapping her fingers around The Queen's throat and squeezing as hard as she could.
A split second later, Regina threw her arms out at her sides, causing a bright violet burst of energy to explode between them. The sheer force of the power threw Mulan against the wall of the room.
"Don't you ever put your hands on me again!"
Never one to take demands from anyone Mulan, still in a bit of pain, pushed forward in an attempt to lunge at The Queen again. Regina, however, was ready for her this time. Extending her right arm in front of her, she stopped Mulan in her tracks, lifting her feet off the ground without laying a finger on her.
"Put.. put me down!"  Mulan squeaked out, grabbing at her throat and kicking her feet wildly in the air.
"My Queen, please!" Red screamed, unsure of what to do.
But it was then, that Regina heard a voice in her head, a voice reminding her of what she needed to do. Of what she promised.
Regina, I need to know that I can trust you... don't let me go dark.
Blinking her eyes quickly and shaking her head, Regina realized what she was doing. "I- .. I'm sorry.." she said quietly, Mulan's body falling to the stone floor as Regina lowered her hand to her side.
"You witch!" Mulan screamed, red in the face, "All you know is violence! You'll never change!"
"No!" Regina pleaded, "That's not true!"
"You expect me to believe you now?!" Mulan asked, climbing to her feet.
Pausing for a moment, The Queen replied solemnly, "No... no, I don't."
Taking Red's heart in her hand again, The Queen walked over to her, and thrusted Red's heart back into her chest.
A sudden gasp escaped from her lips, as Red now had her free will back.
Adverting her attention from Regina to Red, Mulan scrambled over to her to make sure she was ok.
"Ruby..! Are you alright??"
Catching her breath, Ruby replied "Yes.. yes, I think so."
After a moment, The Queen interrupted them, "You may leave, if you like."
The two women now looking in The Queen's direction, "Leave?" Ruby replied, "Why would we... leave?"
The Queen held her head high, straightening her back.
"Why would you stay?" She countered.
"I've given you your free will back. You are not obligated to do anything you don't want to. I give my word, I will not retaliate."
"Come Ruby," Mulan commanded, "Let us escape from here while we still can."
The Queen turned her back to them, not wanting them to see her despair.
"No." Ruby replied, "I'm not going anywhere."
"No?!" Mulan repeated in disbelief.
"No." Ruby confirmed. Taking Mulan's hands in hers, she explained, "Mulan, I love you. I love you because you are kind, honorable and true. I love you because you never fail to do the right thing."
The Queen paused, turning her head to the side in order to ease drop on the two women standing before her.
"Right now, an innocent woman is falling into a darkness that could destroy not only her own life, but also the entire kingdom.. our kingdom." Ruby continued, "Would it not be honorable to do the right thing and help put an end to all of this? No matter the cost?"
Mulan, not wanting to accept this fact, knew Ruby was right.
Taking her breath in, Mulan replied "What you say is true. However Ruby, you want to work alongside this woman?!" Mulan gestured to The Queen.
Looking dead into Mulan's eyes, Ruby replied "No matter the cost, Mulan."
Exhaling deeply, the warrior nodded, "Alright, as you wish then." She then turned to Regina, "We will help you after all."
Regina felt a smile curl into the corners of her mouth as she turned to face them.
"But, you have my word, witch" Mulan exclaimed, "if even for one second you turn on us, and break your promise, so help me god, you won't have hands to crush anyone's heart!"
"You have my word." Regina promised.
"It's settled then." Ruby replied.
"Alright," Mulan said, "What's the plan? Where do we find this Chernabog creature?"
"That's just it," The Queen explained, "No one knows where the creature dwells. Some say he comes from the very pits of hell. Others claim he dwells in the hearts of those who turn to the darkness."
Mulan became frustrated, "So how do we draw him out then? Surely there's a way."
Regina paused before taking her breath in, "Yes, there certainly is a way to draw him out. For that, we must pay Zelena a visit. My dear sister has something of mine, and I want it back!"
With a flick of her wrist, the three women disappeared in a swirling puff of purple smoke.

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