Ch. 13 Secret Door

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Emma had arrived in the library before Regina had, and had been waiting for quite some time now for The Queen. She didn't mind the wait of course, she just hoped Regina would eventually show...
While she waited, Emma took it upon herself to roam around the library a little. After all, She was never in it alone before. She walked by one of the walls of books, all magnificently leather bound, neatly filed on the shelving.
As she walked on, Emma grazed her fingers along the spines of the books; feeling the rich leather of each one as her fingertips brushed passed them.
She then decided to make her way over to the small wet-bar that Regina kept near the fireplace and chairs, thinking she might fix herself a drink while she continued to wait.
Just before she poured herself a glass, suddenly the doors to the library burst open and Regina walked in the room, towards her -
"Ah! Hello Ms Swan!" Regina said glancing at the glass in Emma's hand, "Starting already I see? And without me..?"

"Oh, I ah.." Emma stammered, putting down the drinking paraphernalia, "I'm sorry, I was just waiting a while, and I wasn't sure how long.."

The Queen cut her off, smiling, "No, no, it's fine."


Regina smiled, "I have missed you, Swan.."
Emma gave a half smile replying shyly , "it hasn't been that long..."
"Long enough." The Queen replied, moving closer to Emma, pulling her into a kiss.

Regina's strong grasp on Emma's hips left her wanting so much more

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Regina's strong grasp on Emma's hips left her wanting so much more. She let out a small moan.

"Shall we move this to another room then?" The Queen asked with a raised eyebrow.

Emma grinned, "Reading my mind I see.."

Regina moved her hand to the small of Emma's back, guiding her toward a small, narrow bookcase on the wall that stood apart from the rest.

"Ok.." Emma said confused, "are you going to read me a bedtime story or something..?"

"Not quite." Regina replied.

Emma watched as Regina removed a small glass vile from her pocket. Slowly, she then removed the tiny cork from it, and poured some of its contents into the palm of her hand.

"What is that? Some sort of pixie dust?" She asked.

"Fairy dust, to be exact" Regina replied, slipping the vile back into her pocket, she then rubbed her hands together; the black sparkling dust dissolved into her hands, "Straight from the wings of The Black Fairy!"

Emma looked on as The Queen then put her hands on either side of the book case and held them there for a moment, until suddenly the wooden framework of it began to glow brightly; so bright that Emma had to shield her eyes.

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