Ch. 26 Family Ties

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Agreeing with Regina's advice that Emma needed more help harnessing and controlling her magic, the two women set off to see Regina's sister Zelena.

After a couple hours of riding in The Queen's carriage, Regina peered out from the window and could see Zelena's castle coming into view.
Emma turned to her and asked "Regina? What is it?"
The Queen smiled, "We're nearly there. I can see my sister's castle now."
Emma leaned over The Queen to get a view for herself.

Zelena's castle was just as enormous and amazing as Regina's

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Zelena's castle was just as enormous and amazing as Regina's. Emma marveled at how beautifully the green limestone of the castle glistened in the sun. How magnificent it sat, at the edge of the emerald waters, tucked away between smooth hills of rolling green grass, sprinkled here and there with the fullest and greenish of trees.
"Wow.." Emma replied, "Your sister Zelena.. She must really have a thing for green.."
The Queen rolled her eyes, "..You have no idea.."

Emma shrugged off Regina's obvious sarcasm, "Well, this should be interesting

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Emma shrugged off Regina's obvious sarcasm, "Well, this should be interesting. I hope she can help."
"I believe she can, Emma." Regina replied, "Zelena.. knows a thing or two about harnessing one's power and strength... She claims to also know how to defeat the Chernabog creature."
"What?!" Emma exclaimed, "if that's true, than why hasn't she already defeated and killed him?"
"Mmm.." Regina gazed out the window of the carriage once more, "...Zelena has her reasons for doing, or not doing, certain things. I've learned over the years to not ask questions sometimes."
"I don't even know what that means."
Emma replied.
Regina looked back at Emma.
Giving her a reassuring smile, she put her hand on Emma's thigh and gave it a tight squeeze, "Don't worry my dear. I know my sister will help us. That's all that really matters."
Still unconvinced, Emma smiled back, placing her hand over The Queen's.

Emma watched as the carriage drew closer to the castle. The dirt road under the hooves of The Queen's two black horses began to slowly disappear, as the the trail of dirt became green cobble stones shaping themselves into what would be the driveway to Zelena's front door.
They came to a slowed stop just in front of the castle doors. Seconds later, Claudius opened the carriage doors, offering his hand to The Queen.

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