Ch. 9 Deceit

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Within the strong walls of The Queen's castle, Emma and Regina started spending more and more alone time together. Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months.
For Emma, these moments were something very special; they allowed her to see and experience a different side of Regina. A side no one else got to see; A trusting, loving, adventurous and even at times funny Queen!
For Regina, moments like these never really made it into her world, let alone her heart. Sure, Emma Swan was not a ruler of some unknown kingdom, but perhaps, she could be The Queen of Regina's heart... it WAS a scary thought, but a thought non the less!

It was late afternoon; Emma was in her room, a guard stationed outside her door as usual. Inside, Emma was preparing herself to have dinner with The Queen.
She stood; staring at her closet wardrobe full of new clothes. "Ugh!" She let out in frustration, "how can someone have SO many clothes, yet have NOTHING to wear?!"
Emma very badly wanted to impress Regina, maybe wear something that would not allow The Queen to stop gazing at her all night.
After a few more minutes Emma had an idea, "ahh yes that's it!" She thought to herself, as she frantically began picking through her clothes for the pieces she'd need to put her outfit together.
Just as she began to dress and ready herself, there was a demanding knock at her door -
"Uh, Yeah? Emma asked, "What is it?"
The door swung open and in walked Red, accompanied by her personal guard Ping. "Almost ready, are you?" Red said sourly.
Um, well yes I'm trying to," Emma explained, "however, if you keep barging in on me every few minutes I may NEVER be!"
With that, Emma began to lace up her knee high black stiletto boots.
Red smiled, "Oh Swan.. you really think you're something special, don't you," Red went on, as she walked around Emma's room, tinkering with some small objects on her dresser, "I'd love to see how much of a 'hot shot' you think you are once Regina grows tired of you?"
Emma paused for a moment, then continued her lacing.
Red pressed on, "when The Queen grows bored with your face, and has grown tired of your company.. What then?!"
Emma stood up straight, moving closer to Red; "You mean, kind of what's happening to you..?"
Red was close to boiling over in anger, but she managed to compose herself still, "Why don't you ask Regina about her 'Spell Room' in the catacombs of this castle?"
"And why would I care to ask her about that?" Emma replied.
Red smirked, "You don't know? That's where our Queen keeps all her spells, potions.. and um, broken hearts." Emma furrowed her brow at the thought of what Red meant by that.   "You have five minutes to finish up. I'll be waiting outside to escort you to the dining hall."
Emma turned away from Red to grab her red jacket, "No need to wait, I'm ready now. Let's go."


As the three of them walked through the castle halls, making their way to the dining room, Emma couldn't help but notice that Ping kept looking her way. It almost seemed as though Ping were trying to communicate something to her without Red knowing..
They now stood in front of the doors to the dining room. "You know the drill" Red exclaimed to Emma.
"Yeah, Yeah" Emma replied, "You enter first, and then you'll call for me when it's time to come in."
Red looked from Emma to Ping, and back at Emma again. She then turned to face the doors, announcing herself as she walked through.
Just as she did, Ping grabbed Emma's wrist tightly; as if holding her back from something.
"What the.." Emma looked toward Ping shocked.
Ping kept faced forward toward the doors and said quietly, "We need to talk, you and I."
"What the hell about?!" Emma was caught off guard by Ping's actions, quickly pulling her wrist back out of reach.
"It's about The Queen. Something you need to know." Ping replied, "I will meet you in your room, tonight, when everyone has gone to sleep and I am doing my rounds."
Emma, who was not only very confused by what was happening, but also VERY intrigued, replied "sure.. ok."
"Wait for my knock at your door."
Ping explained, just before Red opened the dining room doors again.
Regina was seated at the head of a long table in the dining room, Emma could see her as soon as the doors opened up fully. Before her, on the dining table, was a large array of foods; vegetables, fruits, pies, and a large suckling goose!
Regina instantly made direct eye contact with Emma through the lit candelabra on the table.
"Ahh! Ms Swan..! The Queen exclaimed as Emma walked into the room.
Emma took in The Queen's expression as she reacted to seeing Emma once again. Emma could see the delight in The Queen's eyes and smile.

The Queen's HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon