Ch. 5 Red With Rage

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The Queen awoke the next morning in her bed chambers and found herself laying next to her handmaiden, Red. She cleared her throat rather loudly, stirring the maiden from her slumber. Red gave a slow yawn and stretched her limbs out far as they could go. As she slowly opened her eyes and realized she was still laying in her Queen's bed from the night before, her eyes opened wide, and she sprung from the bed nearly falling out entirely!
Quickly wrapping her naked body in part of the bedsheets, Red bent her knee beside the bed, "My Queen!" Lowering her head she continued, "Please excuse me. I must've fallen asleep after keeping you company last night. Please forgive me."
The Queen paused, "Remove the bedsheet Red."
Red blushed,"My Queen.. I.."
"You will do as your Queen commands, will you not?"
Red stood and straightened herself, "Anything for you. Always."
The Queen propped herself up in the bed to get a better view and gave a sly smile, as Red let the bedsheet drop around her ankles.
Her long locks of dark chestnut brown curls fell below her creamy white shoulders, and Red could feel The Queen's dark, sultry eyes taking in every ounce and curve of her body.
The Queen bit her lip, then said to her "All is forgiven, THIS time. Now," she continued, "why don't you go and get yourself together? I need you to collect Emma Swan from her chambers."

Red thought for a moment as she gathered her belongings then replied, "What do you need with HER?"
The Queen quickly turned to face Red with a frown, "My actions and commands are not yours to question!" Red lowered her head, "It was not my intention to question you My Queen, I just don.."
The Queen grew angry suddenly and swiftly approached Red, grabbing her by the throat; "it seems one of my subjects has forgotten her place!"
Red, now fear in her eyes choked out her words; "Never My Queen! I'm sorry! Do forgive me, please!"
The Queen's grip tightened slightly for only a second before letting go completely, allowing Red to gasp for air.
"Now Go" She commanded, "and stop wasting my time!"

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