28. Truth Be Told

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Emma sat alone in her chamber pondering over the events that took place earlier that day.

As she lay there on her bed, staring up at the cracks in the stone ceiling, she recalled a memory that made her eyes open wide at the thought.

"...have you told Emma the truth about her parents, Regina?"

Emma knitted her brow, What on earth did Zelena mean by that??

Whatever it was, it was enough to push The Queen over the edge with anger, Emma recalled. So much so, she had to step in and stop The Queen from hurting her own sister.

Emma sat up and walked over to the mirror across the room. As Emma looked into the glass, she saw her reflection for the first time since the merging of magic with The Queen.

My face.. She thought to herself, brushing her fingertips gently over her pale white cheeks and onto her ruby red lips.
...I look.. different. I FEEL different.

Moving her gaze from her face to her clothes, she stared intently at her red leather jacket.
A gift from The Queen, of course.
Regina loved when Emma wore red.
Emma enjoyed pleasing The Queen in every way that she could,
however, Emma thought to herself, It's not really about what The Queen wants anymore, is it?

After all, if Regina isn't concerned with giving me only half truths, why should I always make every effort to please her?

"It's time for Emma to do what she wants, for a change!"
Emma said out loud to herself, a smile slowly creeping across her lips.
With a snap of her fingers, Emma watched her reflection in the mirror as the red of the leather instantly turned black as night.

"Now, that's better." She replied with a crooked smile.


The Queen paced the floor of her bed chamber, picking apart the events of the day. "Something feels... off." She thought aloud to herself.
Emma did say she felt fine... good, even. She recalled.
However, Regina also recalled the very moment Emma's demeanor changed.
Regina knew she had to remain positive of Emma's future concerning her ability to harness such powerful magic. For both their sakes.
The Queen moved toward the fireplace in her room. Hastily, she picked up a wine glass, filing it with the warm, red liquid from the decanter that sat next to it.
Quickly, Regina consumed the contents in the glass before returning it to the mantle.
Waving her hand over her magic mirror that sat just above the fireplace, The Queen took a peek into Emma's room. She needed some closure on the subject, to be reassured that Emma was doing just fine.
However, The Queen was horrified to learn that the image now staring back at her in the mirror was not reassuring at all!

 However, The Queen was horrified to learn that the image now staring back at her in the mirror was not reassuring at all!

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Regina realized it was certainly more than just Emma's demeanor that changed; all of Emma had changed.
Dressed now, completely in black leather from head to toe, Emma's icy, stone cold face was staring back at The Queen.
With her fists tightly clenched at her sides, Regina squeezed her brown eyes shut, praying that Emma had not turned dark.
When The Queen opened her eyes again, seconds later, Emma's gaze shifted to Regina. As if she could also see into the magic mirror; into Regina's room. The left side of Emma's mouth curled up into a wicked smirk, as she made direct eye contact with Regina.
Shocked, The Queen thought to herself, How can that be?? How can she see me through the mirror??
Just then, the mirror cracked, shattering from the center out; the image of Emma gone along with it.
"No.." The Queen whispered, "...Come back!"
Regina waved her hand over the broken mirror again and again, trying to conjure the image of Emma back, to no avail.
Suddenly, The Queen's attention was abruptly pulled from the mirror, as the heavy wooden door to her room burst open. The sound of the back of the door slamming into the wall shook the entire room.
Standing in the doorway with a stoic expression on her face was Emma, arm outstretched into the room, signaling to The Queen that Emma was responsible for the commotion at her door.
Regina stepped away from the fireplace slowly, moving toward Emma. Her eyes shifting quickly to the erratic movement behind the blonde. Horrified, The Queen realized that it was Claudius there, grabbing at his throat with his own hands, not able to breath.
Gasping for air, Claudius' face was turning multiple shades of red, blue and purple as he fell to his knees in agony.
"Emma!" The Queen said, "Release him at once!"
Emma quickly turned her attention to Regina.

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