Ch 23. Compromise

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Emma wiped the tears from The Queen's face, as water welled in her own eyes as she spoke "My God, Regina... I never would have imagined this.."

"No, neither have I." The Queen replied through her smile.
Taking on a more serious expression, Regina continued, "I must explain something to you Emma.."

"Ok... I'm listening."

Taking Emma's hand, both women made their way to The Queen's bed to sit, facing each other, as Regina further explained, "You are capable of great magic. You harness such Great power. It has become clear that You have the capability to balance both light and dark magic..."

Emma's eyes widened as she took in the information Regina was telling her.
"I.. I do?! How? I thought it could really be only one or the other."

"Yes, usually that is how it works," The Queen explained, "however, when you began your lessons of magic in my Spell Room that evening.. something happened..."
The Queen paused a moment, nervously looking around the room trying to gather her words.

"What?! What happened Regina?"

Looking back at Emma, she replied;
"Your eyes.. back in the room, for a moment you were unresponsive, and your eyes.. they were glowing Emma. They were glowing ice blue."

"What?" Emma replied back in disbelief, "impossible! I would have remembered something like that."

"I know." The Queen agreed, "You would have.. if you were in control. It was the light and dark magic trying to consume each other and take over. No one has ever been able to fully harness and control both light and dark magic within themselves without one side eventually fully consuming the other."

Confusion and fear washed over Emma's face for a moment before she managed to collect herself and ask; "What should I do? Is there a way to prevent the darkness from taking over somehow? I mean, there has to be right? How can I stop it?"

Furling her brow together with concern, The Queen replied, "I don't know... Emma, if you truly are capable of harnessing and controlling both of these Magics.. It just might be enough for us to win. Honestly, It's going to take every ounce of power you and I have combined to try to defeat Chernabog.. but I promise I won't let you go dark Emma."

"You know I'm going to do what ever I have to do to defeat him.." Emma explained.

"I know," The Queen replied, "However, I've already promised you that you will NOT be his sacrifice! And I do not intend on going back on my word, Ms Swan."

"We're going to need help

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"We're going to need help." Emma replied, looking at her Queen.

"I have an entire army prepared to fight at my command." Regina quipped.

"We'll need more than that," Emma stated, this time staring Regina right in the eye, "I know a way we might be able to get more help, but.. it's going to take some compromise."
"Ok.. What sort of compromise, Swan?"
Emma stood up, taking hold of Regina's hand, "I need to know that I can trust you, I mean really trust you."
"Of course, Emma. You can always trust me."
"Ok, good." Emma replied, pulling her Queen into a deep kiss.

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