12) Hunted

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Hey cupcakes… fCee is back.

Sorry for the days of being absent here. I suffered from tonsillitis and the fever brought by it. But I’m fine now BTW. So here’s the update you’ve all been waiting for.

And, well… the babies will come in the later chapters. And I’m still not sure who the father will be, but of course the one carrying it would be the cute little blonde boy. Yeah… I think we all know who that is.

Just a clue about things… take note about what Eve is saying because it might be related to Niall, Liam and Harry and why it’s confusing everyone who Niall’s true love is…

By the way… it’s a 2,000 reads. YEYYYY!

DEDICATION: NarryGirl_ForEver for the comment that made me smile. Thanks.

SHOUTOUT: Thanks also for the votes all of younarrylove12, uv_1d_zarry, Brooklyn5sos98, JD_Crtfied, and of course all you guys who never fails to vote and comment. You know who you are. HAPPY READING. ~fCee


“Waking you up, with true love’s kiss… and it worked. I guess I’m your true love now.” ~Liam


12) Hunted - Liam

“It’s happening, what you told me,” I rushed towards Eve who was again looking at the dead oak tree over through the window at the second floor of the house. “The wolf is missing!”

Eve turned to me. I don’t know what her expression was; she wasn’t smiling, nor was she her carefree self.

“They betrayed me!” she yelled and I felt the whole house tremble. I felt the ground move as her words left her mouth.

“How dare those creatures turned their back on me!” She yelled again and the same thing happened. The house trembled creating more cracks on the window, and even making some of the flooring give and the ceiling fall.


And then she looked at me as if changing her mood.

“Why are you upset the wolf is missing? I already told you he would be,” she asked calmly. “Or are you upset that he kissed your little mission, that he kissed Niall.”

“No, I’m just worried about the bad thing that would happen that you told me would follow after he’s missing,” I explained.

“Yes… yes… the wolf has been kidnapped.”

“Kidnapped!” I repeated. But who could have kidnapped that wolf. He’s a soon to be alpha, he’s not that weak.  

“He’s strong that boy, but if you don’t know your enemies, strength is never an issue. Wit and the element of surprise is always an advantage,” she told me. “They didn’t exactly took him, but he’s out of consciousness, they need him knocked out to borrow his face.”

“Them? Who? Why?” She was confusing me.

“Because they’ve taken his form, those creatures.”  

“Taken his form? I can’t understand what you’re saying… why?” I asked.  

“Search for the wolf, Liam. I need you to find him. And only then can we let Niall know he’s being fooled.”

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