23) Whisperer

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Hey guys. I am sooooo SORRY that I haven't update for such a long time. I know it's been a month since my last update... and I'm really sooooory. But things happened in real life, and well, I can do nothing about it. SO yeah, here is a short update for now.

The last two chapters will follow soon. I will also include one character named from my readers in the next chapter as promised.


23) Whisperer - Niall

Liam's father was strong, he fended so many attacks, but they overwhelmed him, those witches. And soon he lay wasted on the brick floor of the tower, with burns from the fireballs they hurled at him.

"Now, now, we should get started or we'll be late for the Bloodmoon," Methuselah smiled moving towards the table, towards me.

I struggled trying to break free, wishing I could escape, but the effort was futile, the iron clamps were far too strong for me.

"Struggling will only make it more painful," the witch towered over me as she touched my naked bulging stomach. "But then again, having your stomach ripped apart isn't actually a pleasant feeling."

And I felt a stinging on my stomach. I panic and my breathing got faster as I saw a line of blood flowing from my opened flesh. She cut me, she seriously did cut me.

"Stop!" I cried. "No, please stop," I begged but she wasn't listening. She continued to cut me up using only her bare fingers and her sharp nails.

No, what's going to happen to my babies?

"Stop!" I shrieked as I felt lightheaded and my eyes started going heavy on me. "Please," I felt warm tears flowing from my eyes as her hand sunk inside me pulling something out. "No... not my babies..."

"Got you," she said with a nasty smile on her lips.

The last thing I saw before everything turned dark was a crying child being held upside down above my opened stomach.

"No... this can't happen. I won't let her hurt them."

"Niall, wake up, Niall," I heard a beautiful familiar voice. It played sweetly on my ears that I wanted to sleep more, unlike what she wanted. "Wake up Niall."

I knew her. I've heard her voice before. I've never thought she would talk to me once more.

"Niall!" She called again, so I opened my eyes.

"Hello Niall," a voice came from a shining being that shimmered so beautifully but not painful to look at. She didn't have a definite shape, just pure light of warmth.

"Am I dead, goddess?" I asked

"No, my Niall," she answered. "You are alive, still, but not for very long. But I can help you with that, if you let me borrow your body once more. Let me inside your vessel, so I may heal you."

"I am glad to serve you as always goddess," I answered. "I give you permission to enter my body."


"I give you permission to enter my body," I bowed at the light that appeared floating at the dead oak near the cliff. It's a historic place where my predecessors trapped the Eltysta vampire in their deep slumber due to the fact that whatever was done to them, they remain living or more specific, undead.

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